Dayton Daily News

Rosetta’s long journey alongside comet ends

Highlight of 2 years’ stalking was probe landing on surface.

- By Deborah Netburn

The Rosetta mission to catch up with a speeding comet, land a space probe on it and follow it as it flies past the sun has officially come to an end.

Early Friday, the European Space Agency orbiter committed operationa­l suicide when it deliberate­ly smashed onto the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk­o, the mountain-sized comet that has been its constant companion for the last two years.

There were no cameras to record Rosetta’s final moments, but ESA engineers said the spacecraft probably bounced a few times given the comet’s low gravity before settling in its final resting place on the smaller of the comet’s two lobes.

“At the moment of impact, Rosetta will be crushed,” flight director Andrea Accomazzo said during the mission’s final hours. “It will remain on the comet forever because there is no way to get it off the surface.”

But this death dive was not made in vain. Mission planners at ESA put Rosetta to work until the last possible second, programmin­g it to collect high-resolution data from closer to the comet’s surface than ever before.

Rosetta was not the first space mission to study a comet, but it was the first to really get to know one. Flying alongside 67P for nearly two years, it was able to observe how the comet evolved and changed as it traveled toward the sun and then retreated to the outer solar system.

“It’s been a tremendous­ly successful mission,” said Paul Weissman, a comet scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz., who worked on Rosetta for 20 years. “Our plan was to rendezvous with the comet far from the sun and then watch its activity grow and die back down, and that’s exactly what happened.”

The 11 instrument­s on Rosetta mapped its physical features, sniffed the cloud of gas and dust around its nucleus, analyzed its interactio­n with the solar wind and used radio waves to probe its interior.

Ultimately, scientists hope their study of 67P will reveal clues about the origin of the solar system and the beginning of life on Earth.

Researcher­s say the comet formed 4.6 billion years ago, at the dawn of the solar system. Because it has spent nearly its entire life in a deep freeze, the frozen molecules trapped in its nucleus could offer hints about the compositio­n of the pre-solar nebula from which the sun and all the planets formed.

In addition, comets like 67P may have brought the molecular building blocks for life to our planet.

Rosetta’s travels with 67P began in August 2014, after a 10-year journey across 4.9 billion miles of space.

Rosetta sent its Philae lander down to the comet’s nucleus in November 2014, making it the first probe to touch a comet and live to tell about it, beaming three days’ worth of data back to scientists on Earth.

In the meantime, Rosetta continued to accompany 67P as it flew closer to the sun. Under the orbiter’s watchful eye, the comet grew increasing­ly active as the sun’s warmth caused frozen ices in the nucleus to sublimate into gas jets shooting from the comet’s surface.

 ?? EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY VIA NYT ?? The Rosetta spacecraft snapped this photo of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk­o from about 14 miles away Friday as it made its descent.
EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY VIA NYT The Rosetta spacecraft snapped this photo of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk­o from about 14 miles away Friday as it made its descent.

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