Dayton Daily News

Cheers from Lisa S., Dayton, Tenn.


Dear Heloise:

When my children were small, they frequently argued about whose turn it was to go first, or get the front seat, or whatever. Nothing worked.

Finally, I wrote their initials on the calendar on alternatin­g days. If their initials were on the calendar, that day was “their day” to sit in the front seat, or choose something first, or whatever.

Once in a while, a child would observe that “We did all the fun stuff on his (or her) day!” This was an opportunit­y for them to learn that life isn’t always fair, but that things generally even out over time. This worked in our family for years, and virtually ended all arguments over whose turn it was. —

Lisa, it’s a wonderful system. When traveling with children, note that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra­tion ( advises that those under the age of 12 should always ride in the back seat.

Family time is wonderful. Enjoy your kids while they are young. —

Dear readers: Heloise

Pat C. in Palermo, Maine, sent a picture of her gorgeous orange-and-white tabby, Mr. Sunshine, lying in her flower bed. He’s certainly made himself at home in all the greenery. Such a spoiled boy!

To see Mr. Sunshine and our other Pet Pals, visit and

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