Dayton Daily News

Hackers target voter registrati­on in 20 states

Disclosure­s come amid concern over election security.

- By Tami Abdollah

WASHINGTON — Hackers have targeted the voter registrati­on systems of more than 20 states in recent months, a Homeland Security Department official said Friday.

The disclosure comes amid heightened concerns that foreign hackers might undermine voter confidence in the integrity of U.S. elections. Federal officials and many cybersecur­ity experts have said it would be nearly impossible for hackers to alter an election’s outcome because election systems are very decentrali­zed and generally not connected to the internet.

The official who described detecting the hacker activity was not authorized to speak publicly on the subject and spoke on condition of anonymity.

It was unclear, the official said, whether the hackers were foreign or domestic, or what their motives might be. ABC News earlier reported that more than 20 states were targeted.

The FBI last month warned state officials of the need to improve their election security after hackers targeted systems in Illinois and Arizona. FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers this week that the agency is looking “very, very hard” at Russian hackers who may try to disrupt the U.S. election.

Last month, Donald Trump, the GOP nominee for president, suggested that he feared the general election “is going to be rigged.”

The Homeland Security Department has stepped up its outreach to states and localities, but it is up to them to ask for help. So far, 21 states have expressed interest in a general “cyber hygiene” scan of key websites — akin to ensuring that windows in a home are properly closed, according to another Homeland Security official directly involved in securing local elections who also was not authorized to speak publicly about ongoing efforts.

The FBI has detected a variety of “scanning activities” that are early indication­s of hacking, Comey told the House Judiciary Committee this week.

The FBI held a conference call on Friday with the local officials who run elections in the battlegrou­nd state of Florida. Meredith Beatrice, a spokeswoma­n for Secretary of State Ken Detzner, called it an “informatio­nal call related to elections security,” but a person on the call who was not authorized to discuss it and requested anonymity said authoritie­s had seen evidence of someone probing a local elections website.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson spoke to state election officials by phone last month, encouragin­g them to implement existing technical recommenda­tions to secure their election systems and ensure that electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet.

DHS is offering states more comprehens­ive, on-site risk and vulnerabil­ity checks. Only four states have expressed interest in the assessment, and because the election is only weeks away, the department will likely only be able to conduct an assessment of one state before Election Day on Nov. 8, the official said.

Two of the attempted hacks involved efforts to mine data from the Arizona and Illinois voter registrati­on systems, according to Kay Stimson, a spokeswoma­n for the National Associatio­n of Secretarie­s of State. She said that in Arizona a hacker tried to probe voter registrati­on data, but never infiltrate­d the system, while in Illinois hackers got into the system, but didn’t manipulate any data.

These systems have “nothing to do with vote casting or counting,” Stimson said in an email. “While it is theoretica­lly possible to disrupt an election by infiltrati­ng a voter registrati­on system, their compromise would not affect election results” and there are system controls in place to catch any fraud.

 ?? AP ?? A Homeland Security Department official says hackers have targeted the voter registrati­on systems of more than 20 states in recent months.
AP A Homeland Security Department official says hackers have targeted the voter registrati­on systems of more than 20 states in recent months.

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