Dayton Daily News

New president’s order on trans students is repugnant

- She writes for theKansas CityStar. Hewrites for theNewYork­Times.

The muddled minds that now run the federal government think it’s fine, preferable even, to legally segregate public bathrooms. In 2017, this should shock.

The targeted group today is transgende­r students. And the stalls some want to keep them out of are in the public schools these youths attend.

This is of a piece with the attitudes and beliefs that created “For whites only” drinking fountains in the Jim Crow South. If you don’t see the correlatio­n, you have company in the White House.

Donald Trump rescinded the guidance the Obama administra­tion issued less than a year ago. Obama directed public schools to treat transgende­r children equal to other children, allowing them to use the bathroom aligned with their gender identity.

Trump’s jab at the rights of transgende­r children was intended as a thankyou to the religious ultraconse­rvatives who helped elect him. The new president was pressured by his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, whose fingerprin­ts are all over this travesty. Remember this moment as example No. 1 of how Sessions will limit civil rights.

Sessions reportedly pressed Trump to make the move to circumvent a pending case in the U.S. Supreme Court. The case involves a Virginia student who was restricted to using a segregated bathroom by the local school board.

G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board is the Brown v. Topeka Board of Education for transgende­r students. It could codify their rights as equally protected under Title IX. Arguments were to be heard in March.

But the Trump team wanted to get their licks in first.

G.G. is Gavin Grimm. His story is typical for many transgende­r youth.

As Gavin has so often and graciously explained, he is not making a “choice” any more than a gay or straight student chooses his or her sexual orientatio­n. The doctors who treat children diagnosed with gender dysphoria recognize that truth.

It’s morally and legally wrong to deny a person’s public rights or cast hardship upon him or her simply to bolster the comfort level of a larger group.

Public concerns about transgende­r people could be alleviated by a broader understand­ing that gender identity is separate from sexual orientatio­n. The confusion too often spins into generalize­d fears about predatory sexual behavior like pedophilia, which has nothing to do with gender identity or whether a person is gay or straight.

Most larger school districts have been quietly doing the right thing, accommodat­ing transgende­r students and easing understand­ing among classmates and parents.

But not all do so, which is why it’s necessary to have the law firmly delineated on matters of civil rights.

Trump’s secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, appears to understand this. She pushed back against Sessions but lost.

The Trump administra­tion is sending a dangerous mixed message.

It is giving school districts the thumbs up to discrimina­te, while also recognizin­g that transgende­r children are at risk.

The righteous path is to be clear and unequivoca­l: Transgende­r children deserve equal treatment among their classmates. And they shouldn’t have to wait for a president or his weak-kneed Cabinet to evolve enough that they embrace the full reach of civil rights in America.

In the years before Donald Trump, various conservati­ves tried to come up with new ideas for a movement that seemed exhausted and unready for new challenges. Whether we called ourselves “reform conservati­ves” or something else, we shared — or so we thought — a realistic assessment of what was possible within the broader two-party system, within a stagnant but basically stable Western order.

Maybe that self-conscious realism was a trap. The Trump campaign (and the Bernie Sanders campaign across the aisle) suggests that there is a public appetite for ideas that are well outside the

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