Dayton Daily News

A few solid housebreak­ing tips for new puppies Maintain a consistent schedule.

Crates can be helpful during the training process.


Bringing a new puppy home is a happy and exciting time for the family. But house breaking can be a little frustratin­g and messy depending on your pup. Being patient, consistent and committed can help make the process go a lot smoother.

To help new dog owners housebreak their puppies, the American Kennel Club offers the following tips:

A consistent feeding and potty schedule will help with the housebreak­ing process. When first training your puppy to go outdoors, bring him on a leash to the same spot every time. You should take your puppy outside in the morning, after a nap and after every feeding. Puppies typically need to eat about three to four meals a day. To avoid accidents indoors, it’s best to take him outside within 10 minutes after he has finished eating.

Crates are helpful during the training process.

Crates can be a useful training tool if used correctly. Never use a crate as a form of punishment. Instead, your puppy should feel safe and happy when he is in it. The crate should be just big enough for your puppy to stand up and turn around in a full circle. Your puppy shouldn’t be kept in the crate for longer than four hours, and he should be taken outside before and after you leave him inside one.

Don’t forget to praise and reward.

When housebreak­ing your puppy, it’s important to stay consistent and positive. Once your puppy has gone to the bathroom outside, you can reward him with praise and a treat. You should never punish him for any accidents that may occur out of eyesight.


Formore tips on dog ownership, visit the AK Cat

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