Dayton Daily News

Worth waking up for: molasses crinkle sandwich cookies

- By Gloria Yoder

“OK, it’s time for an afternoon nap. Let’s all settle down and be as quiet as possible,” I told my little ones. “Mom, may we sleep with you today,” they want to know. “Sure!” So with that, Julia, 5, and Austin, 2, and I all snuggle into our queen-sized bed. After everyone is tucked in Austin informed me of his need to go potty. “Again?” I wonder, but then if I wait what if it will be too late by the end of the nap? Alright, let’s go. Soon he’s tucked in once more. Let’s be nice and quiet and go to sleep, I instructed.

Only a few minutes passed when Julia let out a little giggle. “What’s up?” I ask. “Austin wanted to hold my hand to fall asleep. I don’t care if he does that, but now he is poking my nose,” she explains. “Austin, you’ll need to let big sissy go so she can fall asleep, hold nice and still now.” “Okay, Mom.” “Kerchoo! Kerchoo!” This time its Julia. “Are you starting to get a cold?” I ask, grabbing a box of tissue and handing it to her. “I’ll give you a good dose of Vitamin C once you’ve had your nap, that’ll snap you right out.”

I’m just dozing off when Austin decides he doesn’t want a blanket and kicks off his covers, jolting me out of dreamland. My sleep is gone for the day. I’m wide awake. I really hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep the night before. Why hadn’t I thought of it that Austin never does fall asleep snuggled in a blanket, first it needs to be kicked off is his way of looking at things. Half an hour later after first starting to try to nap they are both finally sound out.

Austin will likely be the first one to wake up. After rocking with mama and having her sing to him, he’ll barely be able to wait until he is permitted to go wake up “big sissy.” And as soon as permission is granted he’ll barrel in and say in a sweet baby voice and croon over his big sister saying, “Julia,

(time to wake up!).” Soon I’ll have two little helpers eager to assist me with making supper before Dad bikes home from work or perhaps even helps whip up a batch of his favorite molasses cookies with frosting, of course! As you may remember Daniel likes his caramel frosting!

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