Dayton Daily News

Dear Abby:


to get it straight from the horse’s mouth. She may buy in bulk and have supplies to spare.

However, a gift is thoughtful, and these products may come in handy. So be pleasant and appreciati­ve when you thank her for them.

I’m 25. My boyfriend and I are planning to move in together. He lives eight hours away, so it means I’ll be moving out of state. I dread telling my parents because they haven’t met him yet, and his work schedule hasn’t allowed him to make the trip up here. (He can’t drive at night.) The last time he was here was early in our relationsh­ip, and he thought it was too soon to meet my parents. Would a video chat introducti­on be all right? Any advice is welcome.

— Moving On In The Midwest Dear Moving On:

First impression­s are important. A video chat would be better than nothing, I suppose. However, out of respect for your parents as well as respect for you, he should make the time to meet them in person — preferably before you move in with him.

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