Dayton Daily News

It’s great to aerate

- Household Hints

Dear Readers:

Now is a good time to aerate your lawn. This means poking small holes in the lawn, or removing small “plugs” of lawn, which will allow air, water and nutrients to get to the roots. A summer of dry, compacted soil, grass clippings and other debris can block the grass from getting fed properly.

Rent an aerating machine at a homeimprov­ement center, and split the cost with a neighbor. The aerator will create plugs in your lawn, which can be 3 inches long and 1/2 inch across.

If your lawn is smaller, a hand-held device, which resembles a large fork, will cut holes into the lawn. The plug method is preferred by experts, but both are beneficial.

The soil must be moist, so the day after a big rain or watering is a good time to aerate. After this process, continue regular maintenanc­e of your lawn.

By the way, using high heels is not recommende­d!

— Heloise Dear Readers:

Iris K. sent a picture of her house rabbits, Babycakes, 12 years old, and Nico and Smokey, both 7 years old. Rabbits don’t do well in noisy environmen­ts, Iris says.

Finding the right bunny is important for a family. Adopting from a shelter or rescue is recommende­d, because something is known about the rabbit’s personalit­y, and it already will be fixed.

Several bunny pics have come in to Heloise Central — keep them coming, along with pics of your other furry and fabulous friends! Email Heloise(at)

— Heloise Dear Heloise:

Can I use “people” shampoo on my dog?

Tara, while shampoo formulated for people isn’t necessaril­y dangerous for your dog, it may have fragrance and detergents that could irritate the dog’s skin or eyes, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (

A mild baby shampoo is OK, though, especially to clean tear staining around the eyes.

— Tara B. in Utah — Heloise Dear Heloise:

For years, I’d make myself nuts trying to read the little “wash/dry” instructio­n tags before laundering my small throw rugs.

Now I use a permanent laundry marker and jot down the wash/dry instructio­ns on the backside of each rug. Just a quick glance, and I’m ready to set the proper wash cycle/water temperatur­e and drying time and temperatur­e. Works like a charm!

— Shirley E., Lynwood, Ill. Dear Heloise:

This is just a warning for your readers who consider mixing chlorine bleach with other products: Please don’t. Chlorine bleach mixed with ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, pool chemicals or vinegar, just to name a few, can produce a gas that can cause serious problems for the eyes, nose or lungs if inhaled. Even some detergents for laundry do not recommend using bleach with their products. Read all labels carefully. Sadder but wiser!

— Frances B., Morgantown, W.Va. Dear Heloise:

Children often assume anything in a drink or food container is safe to drink or eat. Ask a nurse in the emergency room: We never reuse these containers for anything unsafe to consume.

— A Texas Reader, via email

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