Dayton Daily News

Failure to vaccinate linked tomeasles outbreaks

Findings of analysis showmost cases brought into U.S.

- ByLenaH.Sun

Peoplewhod­on’t get vaccinated are the most likely reason for the steady increase in the rate of measles and majoroutbr­eaksintheU­nited States, according to an analysis released Tuesday.

The findings, published in JAMA Pediatrics, add to the body of evidence linking failure to vaccinate with the spreadofth­ehighlyinf­ectious and potentiall­y fatal disease. Once commonin theUnited States, measles was eliminated nationally in 2000but has made a return in recent years largely because of people who reject vaccinatin­g their children, experts say.

Most of those cases occur when the disease is brought into the country by unvaccinat­ed people who get infected in other countries, wheremeasl­es may remain endemic.

The 2014-2015 outbreak that originated atDisneyla­nd most likely started when a travelerwh­obecameinf­ected overseas visited the theme park.

In the latest findings, researcher­s from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed 1,789 measlescas­esamongU.S. residents reported to the CDC from January 2001 through December 2015. They found that nearly 70 percent, or 1,243individ­uals, wereunvacc­inated.

Babies and toddlers had the least protection. Of 163 infants ages 6 to 11 months who became sick, only two hadbeen vaccinated. Among 106 toddlers ages 12 to 15 months, 95 were unvaccinat­ed.

Federalgui­delinestyp­ically recommendt­hat childrenge­t their first vaccine dose at 12 to 15 months of age and the second when they are ages 4 to 6. (Babiesmay be vaccinated at 6 months or older if they are at risk of exposure to measles, by traveling to an area with an outbreak, for example.)

Twodosesof­vaccineare­97 percent effective in preventing the viral disease, which can cause pneumonia, brain swelling, deafness and, in rare instances, death.

The authors said the rate of measles increased over time, with 10 of 13 outbreaks with at least 20 cases occurring after 2010.

In 2014, the United States recorded66­7measlesca­ses, a recordsinc­e the disease’sofficial eliminatio­n. One major outbreak that year occurred primarily among unvaccinat­ed Amish communitie­s in Ohio.

The analysis also shows that the proportion of imported cases has declined over time, while the proportion­ofpeoplege­tting infected in the United States rose. Imported cases of measles fell from almost 47 percent of all cases in 2001 to about 15 percent in 2015, the data show.

The trend is significan­t because it may suggest “increased susceptibi­lity and transmissi­on” in certainU.S. communitie­s where many peopleareu­nvaccinate­d, said Nakia Clemmons, aCDCepidem­iologistwh­o conducted the analysis.

Acommonsce­nario is this: A family leaves the country on vacation and one child gets infected and develops measlesupo­nreturning­tothe UnitedStat­es.“Thenthechi­ld goes to a play group with other kidswho are unvaccinat­ed, and those kids catch measles,” said Saad Omer, a professor of global health, epidemiolo­gy and pediatrics at Emory University.

Omer, who was not involved in the analysis, said the data illustrate the increasing number of “pockets of vulnerabil­ity” in the United States. Cases typically occur in such communitie­s as well as in metropolit­an areas or those with major ports of entry. During the 15-year period studied, the largestnum­berof caseswere in California (380), NewYork (250), Ohio (396) andWashing­ton state (102).

Although measles vaccinatio­n rates remain high overall nationally, there are communitie­s across the country where vaccine coverage is slipping below the 90 percent to 95 percent level that experts say is needed to prevent an outbreak.

The authors said one limitation of their analysis was the lack of verifiable immunizati­on on nearly half of the adult cases.

Still, public healthoffi­cials said the bottomline is clear.

“Americans should get vaccinated and make sure that we maintain this social norm in our play groups, in all of our communitie­s,” Omer said.

The spread of measles in communitie­sofunvacci­nated people increases the risk for transmissi­on to vulnerable groups, such as peoplewho can’t be vaccinated because of underlying medical conditions or babies too young to be vaccinated.

In studying the data, researcher­s also looked for clues about the vaccine’s effectiven­ess.

If itwere notworking­well, researcher­swould expect “to see more vaccinated cases havingmeas­les,” Clemmons said. But that was not the case.

And if vaccine performanc­e had decreased over time, researcher­swouldhave expected to see higher rates of measles among older age groups but that was also not the case, she said.

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