Dayton Daily News

Cy the Cynic’s team bites the dust in final event

- By Frank Stewart Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Cy the Cynic’s team bit the dust in the final of my club’s knockout event — in ignominiou­s fashion. They led by 12 IMPs with one deal left and lost 17 on it.

“It couldn’t have been worse,” Cy told me. “Our opponents made a slam as North-South and a partscore as East-West.”

When Cy sat West at his table, he opened one spade, East raised to two spades and South came in with three diamonds.

“I competed with three spades,” Cy told me, “and North — the madman — jumped to six diamonds!”

“He was betting that South had either a spade void or the ace of clubs,” I said. “Moreover, if South needed a heart finesse, it would probably win.”

South played carefully. He ruffed Cy’s king of spades and led a club. Cy won and led another spade, and South ruffed, took the king of clubs, ruffed a club and ruffed a spade (dropping East’s ace). He ruffed a club and drew trumps. South then had a reliable count: West had held six spades, one trump and four clubs, hence two hearts. So South led a heart to the queen and cashed the ace. Making six.

In the replay, the auction started the same way, but South passed over two spades. He wanted more in high cards to act at the three level. West passed, and so did North. West took nine tricks.

“Your teammates were timid,” I told the Cynic. “For South to pass with a spade void was questionab­le, and North could have balanced.”

“If they reach five diamonds and make it,” Cy said glumly, “we still lose 13 IMPs — and the match by one.”

He was right.

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