Dayton Daily News

An open letter to real men

- Amelia Robinson Smart Mouth

Men, you are not under attack. The issue here is that women have been and that was “just the way it was.”

Far too often, “boys will be boys” has meant that “girls” have been abused.

Calling out sexual harassment and worse does not make women men-haters. I can’t speak for every woman, but I love you guys. I am married to a good man and call other really good ones friends, brothers, cousins, coworkers, uncles, neighbors and fellow human beings.

Sparked by the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged women to share their experience­s with sexual harassment and assault.

Since then, #MeToo has beco meabat tle cry that all too many women seem to know intimately.

It is a cry against injustice, but it is not a cry against men.

The good ones, you husbands, fathers, brothers, cousins, coworkers, friends and fellow human beings, should be crying outa gainst the bad ones just as loud.

With most things, there isab acklash with the #MeToo movement that has turned a spotlight on politician­s, newscaster­s, actors and all the nameless men mentioned in Facebook and Twitter posts. The backlash goes something like this:

Whywouldsh­ewaitso long to say something?

I just don’t believe soand- sowouldd o that.

Why would she put herself in that situation?

Some woman can come out and accuse me of doing something.

Like you and like most journalist­s, I believe in due process and I believe in facts. Just saying something doesn’t make it true. I also believe in comfort

ing the afflicted and afflicting the comfortabl­e.

Ialso know that women often do not and did not feel empowered to report sexual harassment and assau ltoutoffea­rofthe following backlash:

Why would she wait so long to say something?

I just don’t believe soa nd-sowoulddot­hat.

Why would she put herself in that situation?

Some woman can come out and accuse me of doing something.

The backl ashp erpetuates the sickness that we have sweat edo ut of our pores for decades after decade after decades after decades.

Real men, take a step back.

Calling out sexual harassment and assault does not indict you.

It indicts the evil that some men have done and nearly every women at some level has endured.

Youshouldn’tbe offended.

You shouldn’t feel maligned.

You should be appalled that this is a reality that your wives, mothers, sisters, cousins, coworkers, friends and fellow human beings know all to well.

Contact this reporter at 937225-2384 or email Amelia.

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