Dayton Daily News

Sessions’ move may signal medical marijuana crackdown

Prosecutio­ns OK’d putting legal sellers and growers at risk.

- By Andrew Selsky

SALEM, ORE. — When U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions green-lighted federal prosecutio­ns of marijuana lawbreaker­s, the vast majority of U.S. states that allow some form of medical marijuana were unexpected­ly placed at risk of a crackdown and are warily watching developmen­ts.

Forty six states — including Sessions’ home state of Alabama — have legalized some form of medical marijuana in recent years, according to the National Conference of State Legislatur­es. Eight of those states also allow recreation­al marijuana.

Among the guidance that Sessions rescinded was the so-called Ogden Memorandum of 2009 that instructed federal prosecutor­s not to pursue cases against medical marijuana patients and distributo­rs who complied with state laws.

“Previous nationwide guidance specific to marijuana enforcemen­t is unnecessar­y and is rescinded, effective immediatel­y,” Sessions told the U.S. attorneys based in all 50 states in a letter Thursday.

Georgia state Rep. Allen Peake, a Republican who sponsored a bill in his state’s legislatur­e that legalized possession of medical marijuana in 2015, denounced the move.

“I’m very disappoint­ed in Jeff Session’s actions,” Peake said Friday in a telephone interview. “He will be hurting the grandfathe­r with Alzheimer’s, the soccer mom with breast cancer, the college student with Crohn’s disease, the young child with seizures — these are the people that will be impacted by this action by the attorney general.”

The only legal protection now for medical marijuana growers, processors, sellers and users is a temporary measure sponsored by Rep. Dana Rohrabache­r (R-Calif.) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) prohibitin­g the U.S. Department of Justice from using government funds to target them.

Rohrabache­r, in a conference call with reporters and four other members of Congress, said Sessions’ move should galvanize national support for marijuana legalizati­on.

“This is a wakeup call for American people who believe in freedom,” Rohrabache­r said. “It will mobilize people throughout the country.”

Many politician­s, including Republican­s, have cast Session’s move as an infringeme­nt on states’ rights.

Only Idaho, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas do not allow any access to marijuana, said Karmen Hanson, a cannabis policy analyst with the National Conference of State Legislatur­es. Twenty nine states — plus Washington, D.C. and the U.S. territorie­s of Guam and Puerto Rico — allow for comprehens­ive public medical marijuana programs. An additional 17 states allow use of marijuana products for medical reasons in limited situations or as a legal defense, she said.

Many of the states that allow some form of medical marijuana did so in 2013 and 2014. About half of the initiative­s have been passed by voters in ballot measures, and the rest by state legislatur­es, Hanson said.

Georgia’s General Assembly passed that state’s medical marijuana law in 2015. Called Haleigh’s Hope Act, it was named for a girl who was suffering from hundreds of seizures a day.

“This means the world to us,” Haleigh’s mother, Janea Cox, told reporters when Georgia’s governor signed the bill.

Peake said Sessions’ move will have a chilling effect on a bill he introduced that would allow the growing, processing and distributi­on of cannabis oil in Georgia.

“This is as bipartisan an issue as you can get,” he said. “Cancer doesn’t ask if you’re a Republican or a Democrat. There are people of all races and creeds who benefit from medical cannabis, so that’s why it’s so crucial that Congress get together and take action.”

 ?? AP ?? The MedMen marijuana dispensary is in Los Angeles. All but four states allow some form of medical pot.
AP The MedMen marijuana dispensary is in Los Angeles. All but four states allow some form of medical pot.

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