Dayton Daily News

DAILY BRIDGE CLUB USA had a slim lead over Italy


Entering the last set of the Senior Teams final at the 2017 World Championsh­ips, the United States (Jeff Wolfson-Neil Silverman, Mike BeckerAlla­n Graves, Dave Berkowitz-Alan Sontag) had a slim lead over Italy. Italy had just gone down in two poor slams, else they would have been well ahead.

With the match still tight, North-South for Italy got to five diamonds in today’s deal, a safe contract even if declarer lost a club to the queen. He could pitch a heart on the fifth club, losing only a spade and a club.

In the replay, Berkowitz landed at five clubs, where picking up the trumps looked crucial. Declarer ruffed the second spade, and when he took the A-K of trumps next, he was faced with three losers.

Berkowitz didn’t give up. He took the A-K of hearts, then ran the diamonds. When West refused to ruff, Berkowitz exited with a trump. West had to yield a ruff-sluff, and declarer’s heart loser went away.

Making five, a tied deal, and the U.S. went on to win.


92 762 Q72. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your partner doubles, you bid one spade and he raises to two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has a huge hand. He is willing to undertake an eight-trick contract, and for all he knows, you have no points and four poor spades. Since you actually have a good five-card suit and a useful queen as well, bid four spades. Partner may holdAQ72,A863,93, AK6.

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