Dayton Daily News

Osteoporos­is going untreated

Fewer people are undergoing tests for their bone density.

- By Jane E. Brody

A “perfect storm” threatens to derail the progress that has been made in protecting the bone health of Americans. As the population older than 50 swells, fewer adults at risk of advanced bone loss and fractures are undergoing tests for bone density, resulting in a decline in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporos­is, even for people who have already broken bones.

If this trend is not reversed, and soon, by better educating people with osteoporos­is and their doctors, the result could be devastatin­g, spawning an epidemic of broken bones, medical office visits, hospital and nursing home admissions and even premature deaths. Currently, many people at risk of a fracture — and often their doctors — are failing to properly weigh the benefits of treating fragile bones against the very rare but widely publicized hazards of bone-preserving drugs, experts say.

One serious consequenc­e already seems to have happened: a leveling off and possible reversal in what had been a decade-and-ahalf-long decline in hip fractures among postmenopa­usal women, according to a new study of all women on Medicare who were hospitaliz­ed with an osteoporot­ic hip fracture between 2001 and 2015.

The data revealed a steady decline in hip fractures among women 65 and older on Medicare to 730 per 100,000 in 2015 from 931 per 100,000 in 2002. But starting in 2012, the rate adjusted for age suddenly leveled off. Had the decline continued, an estimated 11,464 fewer women would have broken their hips between 2012 and 2015, the researcher­s reported in December in the journal Osteoporos­is Internatio­nal.

“About 80 percent of patients with a hip fracture are never treated” for osteoporos­is, Dr. E. Michael Lewiecki, director of the New Mexico Clinical Research & Osteoporos­is Center in Albuquerqu­e and lead author of the study, said in an interview, “although almost all have osteoporos­is and are at risk of another hip fracture.”

Although bone-sparing medication has been shown to reduce the risk of a second hip fracture, one study of 22,598 patients found

that use of the drugs declined from “an already dismal 15 percent in 2004 to an abysmal 3 percent in the last quarter of 2013,” Dr. Sundeep Khosla, a bone specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, wrote in 2016 in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. He likened the situation to not treating patients for high blood pressure or elevated cholestero­l following a heart attack. Calling it “a crisis in the treatment of osteoporos­is,” Khosla said, “Despite the developmen­t of several effective drugs to prevent fractures, many patients, even those who unequivoca­lly need treatment, are either not being prescribed osteoporos­is medication at all, or when prescribed, refuse to take them.”

The problem is hardly trivial, both for patients and society at large. Considerin­g hip fractures alone, depending on how they are treated, average direct medical costs for the first six months range from $34,509 to $54,054, most of which is paid for by Medicare, the study authors wrote. Each year more than 300,000 people older than 65, three-quarters of them women, are hospitaliz­ed with a fractured hip.

The personal costs are far greater. About 20 percent to 30 percent of patients die within a year following a hip fracture and, the researcher­s reported, “Of those who survive, many do not regain their pre-fracture level of function. About 50 percent of patients with hip fractures will never be able to ambulate without assistance and 25 percent will require longterm care.”

A number of factors may have contribute­d to the downward trend in hip fractures that ended in 2012, according to Dr. Ethel Siris, a co-author of the new study and director of the Toni Stabile Osteoporos­is Center of the Columbia University Medical Center in New York.

“The population may be getting healthier, people are doing more exercise and may be more careful about falling,” she suggested in an interview.

But most likely a leading factor, she and her coauthors believe, was the introducti­on in 1995 of the drug Fosamax, a bisphospho­nate that slows or prevents the loss of bone density, resulting in stronger bones.

In the more than two decades since bisphospho­nates were introduced, “we’ve learned a lot about how to treat and whom to treat,” Khosla said. No longer is osteopenia a condition that by itself warrants medication unless other factors indicate the patient has a significan­tly increased risk of breaking a major bone.

Patients should be treated if their bone density measuremen­t indicates osteoporos­is in the hip, spine or forearm, the experts said. But even if the test indicates only osteopenia, Siris said, “patients should be considered osteoporot­ic if they already sustained a nontraumat­ic fracture in the hip, spine, shoulder, pelvis and sometimes the wrist or if they score high enough on FRAX,” an online fracture risk calculator to estimate one’s risk of breaking a hip or other major bone in the next 10 years.

Her advice is threeprong­ed: “medication when appropriat­e, an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, and don’t fall.”

“Treatment should be individual­ized,” Khosla said. “Each patient is different, with different family history, risk factors, how fast they’re losing bone and their personal concerns. If the focus is on patients with a high risk of fracture, the evidence is clear that the benefits of drug treatment well outweigh the risks.”

 ?? PAUL ROGERS/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? As the population over 50 swells, fewer adults at risk of advanced bone loss and fractures are undergoing tests for bone density. If this trend is not reversed by better educating people with osteoporos­is and their doctors, the result could be...
PAUL ROGERS/THE NEW YORK TIMES As the population over 50 swells, fewer adults at risk of advanced bone loss and fractures are undergoing tests for bone density. If this trend is not reversed by better educating people with osteoporos­is and their doctors, the result could be...

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