Dayton Daily News

This steel got stained

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: I prepared a pickling brine (equal parts water, vinegar and salt) in a large stainless steel pot, and now the bottom of the pot seems to be permanentl­y stained. I’ve tried repeatedly cleaning it with a scouring pad! — Ellen, via email

Ellen, you might try pouring a small amount of vinegar into the pot (enough to cover the bottom), allowing it to sit in place for a few minutes. Next, pour in a little baking soda (about half a cup). It will bubble. Rub the mixture with a soft cloth in the direction of the steel’s grain. If this doesn’t affect the stain, you might try a stainless steel cleaner at your local store.

Here are some other hints for stainless steel:

■ Never use an oven cleaner on stainless steel pots and pans.

■ Don’t use steel wool or any abrasive cleaners on stainless steel.

■ Always clean stainless steel by rubbing in the direction of the steel’s grain.

— Heloise

Washing cans

Dear Heloise: I have seen store clerks cut the tops off cartons of canned foods, stack the cartons and stand on them, with their dirty shoes, to reach the top shelf. Yuck! — Darlene V., via email

It’s always a good idea to give canned goods a rinse after you get home to prevent dirt and germs from getting into your food when you open the can. — Heloise

Rotisserie chicken safety

Dear Heloise: Occasional­ly I buy a rotisserie chicken, which has been kept under heat lamps at the grocery store. How long should I keep it on the counter before placing it in the refrigerat­or? — Sally, via email

Sally, never leave chicken sitting on the counter. When you get home, put the chicken into the refrigerat­or imme- diately to prevent bacteria from growing on the warm surface. — Heloise

Moist-heat cooking

Dear Heloise: What is meant by the term “moistheat cooking”? I’m a bachelor, and cooking is a mystery to me. — Dale R., Lewiston, Idaho

Dale, “moist-heat cooking” means braising, boiling, poaching, simmering, steaming and pressureco­oking foods. It’s usually used on meats that need to be made more tender or that tend to be dry. — Heloise

Baked apples

Dear Heloise: I love baked apples, but which kind is best for baking? — Cory F., Pearsall, Texas

Cory, some of the best apples for baking are: Rome Beauties — crisp and mildly tart; Granny Smith — crisp and tart with green skin; Gala — crisp and sweet; and Cortland — juicy and tangy. All of these also are very tasty in pies. — Heloise

Navy bean soup

Dear Heloise: You’ve mentioned, many times, the wonderful properties of vinegar. Here’s another suggestion: I like to add one or more capfuls of vinegar to homemade navy bean soup. It takes away the bland flavor and adds a little zip to the soup. — Martin K., Newberry, S.C.

Candy cane calories

Dear Heloise: How many calories are contained in an average candy cane? — Annie C., Lee’s Summit, Mo.

Annie, there are 50 to 60 calories per candy cane, depending on size. — Heloise Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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