Dayton Daily News

Sewer worker lauded for saving co-worker


Union Rome Sewer (URS) worker Jarod Leffingwel­l was recognized by the Lawrence County Commission on Thursday for saving the life of a co-worker after an accident occurred in January.

“On Jan. 11, 2018, you were involved in an incident where a co-worker sustained injuries after falling head first into a grinder station. Your co-worker was hanging by the tips of his boots and struggling to get himself out of water,” a letter to Leffingwel­l from the commission states. “You grabbed him by his legs, and with great effort on your part, pulled him up and out of the grinder station. The injuries your co-worker sustained were minor, but the fact is, if you hadn’t been there to help him, he would have drowned.”

Leffingwel­l, who has been working for URS for about a year and a half, said he “was at the right place at the right time,” regarding the incident.

“I feel like I was put there for a reason,” he said.

Lisa Pine, URS assistant administra­tor, said Leffingwel­l has been one of the best URS employees, adding that he is very dedicated and a quick learner. She also said that having two workers in a grinder station is required from this point on.

“We appreciate and thank you very much for your efforts that day, and are proud to have employees like you working for Lawrence County,” Leffingwel­l’s letter from the commission stated.

During the commission­ers’ reports, all three of the commission­ers talked about the Ohio Capital Bill, which was recently introduced at the state level and includes $1 million for Lawrence County for the purpose of the new senior citizens center, EMS station and community room at the county fairground­s.

“It’s got to be voted on by the state Congress and the Senate and signed by the governor, but state Rep. Ryan Smith and Sen. Bob Peterson assured me that we should be fine with that,” Commission Vice President Freddie Hayes Jr. said. “I think that’s going to be a great thing for Lawrence County, and it shows what we’ve done here.”

Hayes also added there are a couple of other good projects coming this year that the commission is excited about as well.

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