Dayton Daily News

DAILY BRIDGE CLUB Whatever can go wrong, will


Unlucky Louie continues as my club’s foremost proponent of Murphy’s Law. (“A malfunctio­ning refrigerat­or, when demonstrat­ed for the repairman, will work perfectly.”)

Louie was today’s declarer at four spades, and West led a club: three, jack. Louie took his ace since a heart shift would be damaging. He next cashed the K-Q of trumps and led the ace and a second diamond to set up a discard for a heart loser.

West won and led another club, and East took the queen and returned a diamond. Louie threw a heart as planned — and West ruffed. The defense also got a heart trick for down one.

“Just when I see a light at the end of the tunnel,” Louie grumbled, “the tunnel collapses.”

Louie erred. He must take only the king of trumps, then lead a low diamond without cashing the ace. If West wins and leads the king and a third club, Louie ruffs and takes the queen of trumps and ace of diamonds. He reaches dummy with the ace of trumps to discard a heart on the high diamond.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: J95 Q108

K3 K10762.Your partner opens one diamond, you respond 1NT, he bids two clubs and you raise to three clubs. Partner next bids three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner is interested in game (at least) and has “bid out his pattern” to help you judge how well the hands fit. You have little “waste” in spades and a fifth club, hence be aggressive. Bid five clubs or four diamonds. Partner mayhold2,A94,AQ76 5,AQ95.

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