Dayton Daily News

Reporting an emergency


inherited a beautiful set of old family china. I treasure it and want to know how I can safely keep and store the china. — Eleanor from Florida

Dear Eleanor: When you handle the delicate china pieces, be sure that you wash them carefully. Place a soft towel in the sink and then put one piece in the sink at a time (never put them in the dishwasher). Gently wash with a mild soap and dry. Here’s the right way to store them to prevent nicks or chips. Never stack them directly on top of each other. Instead, do the following:

Put cheap paper towels or round coffee filters between the dishes. Wrap the stack with plastic wrap to keep the china clean. You also can buy zipper containers designed for storing your best china. — Heloise

Ants on a log

Dear Heloise: My young children were having a party, and I wanted to give them a snack that was healthy and fun so they would eat it. I took celery sticks and filled the grooves with peanut butter. Then I sprinkled “ants” (raisins) on the top. The kids loved them. — Christina from South Dakota

Scuff marks on patent leather

Dear Heloise:

I bought a pair of beautiful patent leather shoes, and they have scuff marks on them. What can I do to remove these marks? — Jane from Ohio

Dear Jane: Use these hints to remove the unsightly marks. Get a microfiber cloth or pencil eraser to rub off the scuff marks. If this doesn’t work, grab a cotton swab and dip it into rubbing alcohol and rub over the marks. Wipe off with a clean cloth. To keep patent leather clean, dampen a cloth with water and mild soap and wipe over the marks. Buff with a soft cloth to shine. — Heloise

Cleaning CDs and DVDs

Dear readers: Taking care of your CDs and DVDs will make them last longer and play better. Here are the steps to take:

If the surfaces look grimy or are skipping, get a microfiber cloth to clean them. Wipe over the disc in a straight line from the center to the edge of the disc. Never wipe in a circular motion because it could create micro scratches that will damage the data on the disc. If the disc still looks dirty, dampen a soft cloth with water and wipe again. Dust the inside of the player often. Preserve the discs by not touching the surfaces and holding by the center or outer edges. — Heloise

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