Dayton Daily News

Give your dog some end-of-summer TLC

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As the summer days come to an end, we all want to make the most of the fall season before the cold sets in. But from cracked paw pads to pollen to sun-bleached fur, your pet might need some post-summer TLC.

The American Kennel Club offers a few simple ways to tend to your pup’s coat and paws after months in the hot summer sun.

Scorched paw pads. Your dog’s paws may have come into contact with summer heat hazards such as hot


For more tips on dog ownership, visit the AKC at sand, scorching sidewalks and sticky asphalt, leaving him to start off autumn with dry, chapped, cracked or even injured paw pads. To repair them, rub some petro- leum jelly on his pads, then give him a chew toy to distract him until it soaks in. Paw pad balm, available at most pet stores, is a less greasy option. It provides protection, so you can use it next summer as well as for winter weather protection. If your dog’s paw pads have actual cracks, try some antibiotic ointment or gel. In the case of bleeding, red streaks or pus, take your dog to the veterinari­an to be treated.

Pollen residue. If your allergies seem to be lasting longer than usual, there is a chance that pollen might be making its way into the house on your dog’s coat. Many dogs also have pollen allergies, which often mani- fest as skin rashes. Give your dog a good bath to help minimize pollen in the house and its effects on both you and your dog. Use a gentle, hypoallerg­enic dog-friendly shampoo and rinse well.

Sun-bleached coat. If your dog’s jet-black, deep brown or rich red coat looks faded and fried, don’t worry: The damage isn’t permanent. Those bleached hairs will eventually fall out and your dog’s deep, rich color will grow back in. Make sure to bathe and br ushyourdog regularly to speed up the process.

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