Dayton Daily News

Will Democrats out-populist Trump in the state of Ohio?

- He writes for the Washington Post. E.J. Dionne Jr.

“I COLUMBUS, OHIO — think it’s all about the dignity of work,” says Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown in an interview in the backseat of his Chevy Suburban. “I talk about how we value work. People who get up every day and work hard and do what we expect of them should be able to get ahead. I don’t think they hear that enough from Republican­s or national Democrats.”

It is an old-fashioned theme much favored by Brown, who proudly sees himself as a labor Democrat. But it is also a direct response to the 2016 political catastroph­e for Brown’s party across the Midwest — and especially in Ohio.

One bottom-line truth of American politics is that given the way the Electoral College operates, Democrats need to reverse the flight of the white working class to Donald Trump’s GOP. Ohio is ground zero this year in testing the durability of Trump’s coalition.

In Brown’s quest for re-election, the appeal to workers is working. While Ohio swung from a 3-point victory for Barack Obama in 2012 to an 8-point Trump win, Brown has enjoyed leads from 13 to 18 points over Republican Rep. Jim Renacci in three polls over the last month.

Democrats are not counting on that sort of margin for Brown, but even coming in at half that range would underscore the fragility of Trump’s hold on his own electorate.

Brown has a political advantage in the state’s once thriving manufactur­ing regions because he has been a consistent critic of free-trade pacts such as NAFTA, an area of common ground with Trump.

Indeed, when Brown spoke Sunday at the state’s Democratic convention here, he drew his most explosive applause for touting his vote against the confirmati­on of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

If Republican­s are counting on pro-Kavanaugh sentiment to mobilize their base, Democrats here showed that the GOP’s dismissal of Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation­s against Kavanaugh generated at least as much outrage.

Brown excoriated Republican­s for their treatment of Ford, but he turned his argument toward the economic, stressing that he opposed Kavanaugh early on because the nominee had “a history and record of putting his thumb on the justice scales” in favor of “Wall Street over consumers” and “health insurance companies over patients.”

His mention of health insurance companies was no accident. In this year’s other big contest in Ohio, Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Richard Cordray faces Republican Attorney General Michael DeWine. And in a variation on a strategy being pursued by Democrats around the country, Cordray is making a major issue of DeWine’s participat­ion in a 2011 lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act.

Overturnin­g the act would have killed its insurance protection­s for those with pre-existing conditions. DeWine is now trying to suggest that he favors such safeguards.

The polls find the governor’s race to be on a knife-edge.

But if both Brown and Cordray prevail, it will be in significan­t part because their pro-worker evangelism resonated with many who supported Trump and still haven’t found the prosperity and security he promised them.

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