Dayton Daily News




Yukon supplier __ pants Scorned lover of Jason Aptly, it rhymes with “spa” CNN correspond­ent Hill

Big period TV trailblaze­r Boxing academy? Loud noises “There, there,” e.g. One at the top of the order Whirling Optimist’s hopeful list? “Othello” role Pamphlet ending Have __ for Colorful bird Literal and figurative hint to four puzzle answers Field supervisor Sword-and-sandal feature, e.g. 44 Turkish title 47 Award using spelled-out initials

48 Wild party in

Dallas? 51 Wednesday,

to be exact 53 Souvenirs 54 Plays ball 57 Musical collaborat­ion instructio­n 58 Literary


63 A, in Aachen 64 Senate staffers 65 Coke or Pepsi 66 Young Darth’s

nickname 67 Bright

68 Hindu mystics 69 Ballet composer

Delibes 1 4 9 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 26 30 33 34 35 36 37 41 43


1 Refuse 2 Poe genre 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 27 28 29 Title servant in a 1946 Paulette Goddard film Mag mogul Home of the 2001 World Series champs, on scoreboard­s Eighteenwh­eelers

Call back? Only deaf performer to win an Oscar Waikiki, to surfers Recipient of a New Testament epistle attributed to Saint Paul __-wop Prefix with conscious Calder Cup org. Without

Vast expanse Tuck away 1974 CIA spoof Discounted combo Supermarke­t chain “__ is the winter of our discontent”: Shak.


Today’s West was the dreaded Grapefruit, my club’s sourpuss member. He berates his partners.

Against six diamonds, Grapefruit led the queen of spades. South took the ace, drew trumps, led a heart to dummy’s ace and ruffed the last spade. He took the king of hearts and ruffed a heart.

Declarer next led a club to dummy’s jack. East won but was end-played. He could return a club to dummy, concede a ruffsluff by leading a spade, or lead his last heart, setting up dummy’s fifth heart. So South made his slam, and Grapefruit told East that he was as useless as the “p” and “h” in “psycho.”

“What did I do?” East complained.

“Even a doofus would Luau ring Architect’s addition Start to manage? Summer refresher College admissions fig. 40 Document with

bullets 41 Cousin of org 42 Band of

Tokyo? 45 Sincere

46 Hall of fame 31 32 36 38 39 double North’s five-club cue bid for the lead,” Grapefruit growled. “Then I’ll lead a club and break up the end play.”

South could still succeed with a club lead. He could duck it to East, win the spade return, take the ace of clubs and run his trumps. At the end, East would be squeezed in hearts and clubs.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ K9875 ♥ QJ82 ◆ 5 ♣ K Q 6. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade and he bids 1NT. What do you say?

ANSWER: A bid of three hearts would be forcing. Two hearts would not be forcing or encouragin­g. No bid exists for in-between hands. The solution for 48 Puerto Rico, e.g.: abbr.

49 Barely makes it 50 Handle preceder 52 Discharge 55 Iberian river 56 Metallic waste 58 Lived

59 Basket border 60 Early civil rights activist __ B. Wells

61 Covert maritime gp. 62 Cred. union offerings many pairs is to treat a bid of two clubs as convention­al, suggesting invitation­al values and asking opener to make a descriptiv­e bid.

 ?? By Andy Morrison © 2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. ??
By Andy Morrison © 2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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Previous Puzzle Solved
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