Dayton Daily News

Fall Championsh­ip by the Bay


In December, the ACBL staged its Fall Championsh­ips in San Francisco, a marvelous site though a long trip for some. The cost of attending a 10-day NABC remains prohibitiv­e for many players.

The ageless Eddie Kantar, whose writing has entertaine­d and enlightene­d players for eight decades, was on hand for a book signing. For years Eddie has contribute­d an instructio­nal column to NABC Daily Bulletins.

In today’s deal, South takes the ace of hearts and can stake his club slam on a spade finesse (which would end the play quickly). Kantar notes that South must instead try to set up dummy’s fifth diamond.

South proceeds thus: ace of diamonds, diamond ruff, trump to dummy, diamond ruff. When EastWest follow, South leads a trump to dummy and ruffs a diamond. He goes to the ace of spades to pitch a spade on the good fifth diamond, concedes a heart and ruffs his last heart in dummy.

If diamonds broke 4-3 (or if trumps broke 3-0), South could fall back on the spade finesse.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 98 ♥ 1086 ◆ J

♣ AQ108765.Youdeal and open three clubs. Your partner bids three hearts. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s bid is forcing. For him to act with a good suit but nothing more would make no sense since your preempt promised a strong suit. Your hand couldn’t be better for a heart contract; you have an ace and a side singleton. Bid four hearts or, if partner will understand, cue-bid four diamonds.

28 29

“I think,” to a texter Childlike race in “The Time Machine” Learn thoroughly Cutting in half, in math class Seine summers Lincoln or Ford Love, in Spain Nearby Fidel who overthrew Batista Aussie birds that don’t fly

San Francisco’s __ Valley Diplomatic VIP NBA tiebreaker­s Sports team swaps Attributed speaker of the circled words Medical suffix Sentry’s “Stop!” Swiss peak in an Eastwood film title

Eye part 67 Oil cartel letters 68 Iced tea wedge 69 Icelandic poetic work

70 PC repair person 71 Avec’s opposite


1 2

3 4 5 6

7 8

9 10 11

12 14


22 23

Suffers from One of an inning’s three Pitcher’s stat Soothing cream Carol kings Hoppy brews, for short Serious criminal Portmantea­u for a false ally “Beat it, feline!” Is remembered Addictive narcotic

Oil cartel ship Started the grass-growing process

__ me tangere: “Don’t touch me” Place to park it Ocean motion 24 25

30 31 33

35 36 40

41 43 44

45 46

Skip over Age-old roman- tic adage A single time “__ it my best” Graceful pond swimmer “That __ fair!” Fedora feature Great Plains tribe

Deli breads Pants, briefly Someone who’s good, and obviously knows it Skips, as class Tel Aviv’s land 47 48

53 55 57 58

59 63

64 65

Sweet-talk Got a smile out of Suffix with land or sea Spring zodiac sign “Insecure” Emmy nominee __ Rae Knighted actor Guinness Draw with acid ABC show for early risers, briefly Long, long time ICU workers

Previous Puzzle Solved

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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