Dayton Daily News

Performing a miracle in today’s bridge hand

- By Frank Stewart

“Do you believe in miracles?” Unlucky Louie asked me in the club lounge.

“Jesus is said to have turned water into wine at that wedding in Cana,” I replied.

“Sometimes when I’m at McDonald’s,” Cy the Cynic offered, “and the girl behind the counter isn’t looking, I turn water into Sprite.”

“How about turning four losers into three?” Louie asked.

In a penny game, Louie was declarer at today’s four hearts, and West led a diamond. Louie won with dummy’s king, led a trump to his king and continued with the queen. East took the ace and returned a diamond, and Louie won and cashed his jack of trumps.

When West discarded, Louie led a third diamond, hoping for a 3-3 break and a discard for his losing spade. But West won, and East showed out, and Louie had to lose a spade plus a trump to East’s 10. Down one.

“No miracles when I’m declarer,” Louie sighed.

It shouldn’t take a miracle worker to make the contract. All declarer must do is take 10 winners, compressin­g his four losers into three. He can win the first diamond in his hand, take the ace of clubs, ruff a club and lead the king of trumps to East’s ace. Declarer wins the diamond return in dummy, ruffs a club and takes the Q-J of trumps.

When West discards, South cashes the K-A of spades. Having won nine tricks, he leads dummy’s last club. No matter what East does, South is sure to score his last low trump. The defenders’ three remaining tricks — a trump, a diamond and a spade — clash on the last two tricks.

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