Dayton Daily News

Surges in cases raise fear that progress is slipping

Many in U.S. don’t wear masks, keep their distance from others.

- By Tamara Lush, Nathan Ellgren and Tammy Webber

Alarming surges in coronaviru­s cases across the South and West raised fears Monday that the outbreak is spiraling out of control and that hardwon progress against the scourge is slipping away because of resistance among many Americans to wearing masks and keeping their distance from others.

Confirming prediction­s that the easing of state lockdowns over the past month and a half would lead to a comeback by the virus, cases surpassed 100,000 in Florida, hospitaliz­ations are rising dramatical­ly in Houston and Georgia, and a startling 1 in 5 of those tested in Arizona are proving to be infected.

Over the weekend, the virus seemed to be everywhere at once: Several campaign staff members who helped set up President Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, tested positive, as did 23 Clemson University football players in South Carolina. At least 30 members of the Louisiana State University team were isolated after becoming infected or coming into contact with someone who was. Meatpackin­g plants were also hit with outbreaks.

“It is snowballin­g. We will most certainly see more people die as a result of this spike,” said Dr.

Marc Boom, CEO and president of Houston Methodist Hospital, noting that the number of COVID-19 hospital admissions has tripled since Memorial Day to more than 1,400 across eight hospital systems in the Houston metropolit­an area.

He warned that hospitals could be overwhelme­d in three weeks, and he pleaded with people to cover their faces and practice social distancing.

“It is possible to open up at a judicious pace and coexist with the virus, but it requires millions and millions of people to do the right thing,” Boom said.

Texas is among a number of states — including Arizona, Alabama, Florida and South Carolina — whose governors have resisted statewide mask requiremen­ts, leaving the matter to local authoritie­s.

The number of new coronaviru­s cases across the country per day has reached more than 26,000, up from about 21,000 two weeks ago, according to an Associated Press analysis of data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Over 120,000 deaths in the U.S. have been blamed on the virus, the highest toll in the world.

In Georgia, the number of people hospitaliz­ed because of COVID-19 rose to 1,000, erasing a month’s worth of progress.

Infections are at their highest level since the outbreak began, nearly two months after Georgia began lifting restrictio­ns on businesses. Gov. Brian Kemp has required face coverings by waiters, barbers and others working face-to-face with customers but has largely let businesses decide whether customers must wear masks.

In Orlando, 152 coronaviru­s cases were linked to one bar near the University of Central Florida campus, said Dr. Raul Pino, a state health officer in the tourism city.

“A lot of transmissi­on happened there,” Pino said. “People are very close. People are not wearing masks. People are drinking, shouting, dancing, sweating, kissing and hugging, all the things that happen in bars. And all those things that happen are not good for COVID-19.”

Although he asked health officials to renew calls for people to wear masks and keep their distance, Gov. Ron DeSantis has not signaled he will retreat from reopening the state after three months of shutdowns that have damaged the economy.

In Louisiana, however, Gov. John Bel Edwards extended restrictio­ns on businesses because of a troubling uptick in cases, following the example set by Utah and Oregon last week. Louisiana has recorded more than 3,000 deaths.

“There are a lot of people out there saying they are done with this virus. Well, the virus isn’t done with us,” Edwards said.

Countries such as Brazil, India and Pakistan are also seeing surging cases.

Dr. Michael Ryan, the World Health Organizati­on’s emergencie­s chief, said the outbreak is “definitely accelerati­ng” in the U.S. and a number of other countries, dismissing the notion that the record-breaking daily levels of new cases simply reflect more testing. He noted that numerous countries have seen marked increases in hospital admissions and deaths.

“The epidemic is now peaking or moving toward a peak in a number of large countries,” he warned.

In the U.S., Arizona, in particular, is seeing disturbing trends in several benchmarks, including the percentage of tests that prove positive for the virus. Arizona’s is the highest in the nation.

The state’s positive test rate is at a seven-day average of over 20%, well above the national average of 8.4% and the 10% level that public health officials say is a problem. When the positive test rate rises, it means that an outbreak is worsening — not just that more people are getting tested.

At Maryland’s Fort Washington Medical Center on the outskirts of the nation’s capital, workers described a scramble to find new beds, heartbreak­ing encounters with family members of critically ill patients and frustratio­n with Americans who do not believe the coronaviru­s threat is real.

“Everybody is out lounging on the beaches. Just thinking that it’s over. And it’s not,” respirator­y therapist Kevin Cole said. “It’s far from being over. And unfortunat­ely, it’s those people that will keep this pandemic going.”

Meanwhile, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday that Atlantic City’s casinos will be able to reopen July 2 at 25% capacity and everyone inside the building wearing masks.

In a Twitter post, the Democratic governor also said indoor dining can resume on that date, with restaurant­s also operating at 25% capacity.

Murphy said New Jersey casino patrons will have to abide by a requiremen­t that is not being used at every casino that has reopened thus far: All guests and employees will have to wear face masks and undergo some level of health screening.

“If any visitor refuses to comply with these simple safeguards, you will be escorted out of the casino,” the governor said.

Worldwide, 9 million people have been confirmed infected by the virus and about 470,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins, though experts say the true numbers are much higher because of limited testing and cases in which patients had no symptoms.

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