Dayton Daily News

White House, Congress still far apart on aid bill

Pelosi says there’s been some progress; still no timeline for agreement.

- By Chris Megerian

As m illions of Americans drifted toward financial crisis, the two parties remained deadlocked after weekend talks on another round of economic relief intended to ease the burden of job losses from the worsening coronaviru­s outbreak.

Administra­tion officials and Democratic congressio­nal leaders spent hours Saturday huddled in the Capitol suite of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) without reaching a deal on extending

enhanced unemployme­nt benefits. That relief expired Friday, jeopardizi­ng many families’ ability to pay for rent and food while they wait for opportunit­ies to return to work.

Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said he was concerned about the legislatio­n’s potentiall­y multi-trillion-dollar price tag.

“There’s obviously a need to support workers, support the economy,” Mnuchin told “This Week” on ABC News. But he added, “On the other hand, we have to be careful about not piling on enormous amounts of debt for future generation­s.”

Pelosi, who appeared on the program shortly before Mnuchin, said Democrats didn’t want to accept anything less than the $600-per- week enhanced unemployme­nt benefit that began earlier this year. She blamed the impasse on Republican­s struggling to reach an agree- ment among themselves.

“We are unified in our support for the $600,” she said. “They are in disarray.”

Although Pelosi said some progress was made Saturday, she did not share a timeline for reaching an agreement. Senate Republican leaders were absent from the meeting, deferring to the administra­tion after President Trump called their proposal, which included $200 for enhanced unemployme­nt benefits, “sort of semi-irrelevant” during a news conference last week.

Trump appeared disengaged from the negotiatio­ns, spending much of the weekend on his golf course in Virginia. He seemed to sleep little, however, tweeting repeatedly and mostly about unrelated issues until after dark Saturday and before the sun rose Sunday.

On Saturday afternoon, he again proclaimed his support for a payroll tax cut, a proposal that his own party in Congress rejected and was never seriously considered in the negotiatio­ns on Capitol Hill.

Meanwhile, one of his top scientific advisers shared a dire picture of the coronaviru­s outbreak, which has already killed roughly 150,000 Americans.

“It is extraordin­arily widespread,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, who leads the White House task force on the pandemic, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Although Trump has demanded that schools reopen, Birx was notably more cautious. “If you have high case load and active community spread — just like we’re asking people not to go to bars, not to have household parties, not to create large spreading events — we’re asking people to distance-learn at this moment so we can get this epidemic under control,” she said.

Birx wasn’t the only mem- ber of the administra­tion to contradict the president Sunday. Adm. Brett Giroir, a top health official, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he doesn’t recommend using hydroxychl­oroquine, an anti-malarial drug touted by Trump, as a treatment for the coronaviru­s.

“The evidence just doesn’t show hydroxychl­oroquine is effective right now,” Giroir said. “I think we need to move on from that and talk about what is effective.”

Giroir in 2016-17 served as president and CEO of Vira- Cyte, LLC, a clinical-stage biopharmac­eutical company. The firm, now known as Allo- Vir, is one of many companies working on a coronaviru­s vaccine.

Trump recently restarted his regular briefings about the coronaviru­s in an effort to show the country that he’s taking aggressive action.

On Saturday, he tweeted his disagreeme­nt with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert who recently testified that the U.S. is seeing more coronaviru­s cases because it shut down less of its economy than Europe did.

“Wrong!” Trump tweeted. “We havemore cases because we have tested far more than any other coun t r y, 60,000,000. If we tested less, there would be less cases.”

Not only was Trump blaming just testing for the increasing coronaviru­s caseload, but he also overstated the number of tests. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the United States had conducted nearly 53 million tests as of Saturday.

The U.S. has become the global epicenter for the pandemic, and many countries are limiting American visitors to prevent the spread of the virus. But Trump is eager to portray the situation here as no worse or better than anywhere else.

“Big China Virus breakouts all over the World, including nations which were thought to have done a great job,” he tweeted Sunday. “The Fake News doesn’t report this. USA will be stronger than ever before, and soon!”

Trump continued to face sharp criticism for his recent suggestion that the election could be delayed. The president does not have the power to change the date,which is set by Congress, and Republican­s have dismissed the idea.

Democrats said they were unnerved by Trump’s suggestion, fearing he will attempt to undermine the election or cast doubt on the outcome if he loses to Joe Biden, the former vice president.

“I don’t think he plans to leave the White House. He doesn’t plan to have fair and unfettered elections,” said Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), a House leader and close ally of Biden, on CNN. “I believe that he plans to install himself in some kind of emergency way to continue to hold onto office.”

 ?? AP ?? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., gives Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of
N.Y., an elbow bump after a meeting on a COVID-19 relief bill Saturday in Washington.
AP House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., gives Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., an elbow bump after a meeting on a COVID-19 relief bill Saturday in Washington.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? White House chief of staff Mark Meadows (right) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin arrive at the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Capitol to resume talks on a COVID-19 relief bill Saturday in Washington.
White House chief of staff Mark Meadows (right) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin arrive at the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Capitol to resume talks on a COVID-19 relief bill Saturday in Washington.

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