Dayton Daily News

Neatness counts, keeps the workload down

- Heloise Household Hints

Dear Heloise: My mother always said to make your bed in the morning and don't leave dirty dishes or glasses in the sink. Doing this keeps my workload down for the day and makes my home feel neater and more organized. — A reader in Austintown, Ohio

Reader, and my mother would add, always hang up clothes rather than throwing them on a chair or the floor. Put items to be laundered in the hamper or laundry basket. When you take something out of a cupboard, put it back rather than leaving it on a counter. — Heloise


Dear Readers: I love to find unique gift wrapping. Here are a few suggestion­s on what you can use:

Deflated foil party balloons.

An old map.

Aluminum foil, shiny side out, covered by a sheet of colored, plastic wrap.

White wrapping paper can be personaliz­ed with stencils, colored markers, crayons or stickers.

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: I've found a delicious way to make French toast. I take a little chocolate syrup and mix it with the egg coating. Before serving, I mix a little chocolate to the maple syrup and drizzle it over the top. Sometimes, instead of adding chocolate, I add some vanilla to the batter for a change of pace.— Betty in New York


Dear Heloise: I had an old dresser that was handmade by my greatgrand­father. It had been passed down in the family and is very special to me. The dresser was in great shape, but the top had been battered, stained and scratched over time. I was going to refinish it, but my husband had another suggestion. He had a piece of marble cut to fit perfectly over the top of the dresser. Not only is it attractive to the eye, it's easy to clean and gives the dresser a more expensive look. — Addie in New Hampshire

Addie, what a wonderful way to bring new life to a treasured piece of family history. Well worth the expense of the marble. -Heloise


Dear Heloise: My family and I recently moved into our new home, and I wanted to share a hint that might make the experience a little more bearable for anyone who has to pack up their belongings. I put the bedsheets, pillowcase­s, blanket, towel and washcloth for each family member in the drawers of the dresser. When we were finally done moving everything, we knew exactly where to find what we would need for our first night. This is especially helpful when moving day lasts into the evening hours and everyone is exhausted. — Laura in Montana

Laura, thanks for sharing. Moving day is never easy, and it can be so frustratin­g trying to find what you need when you can finally relax at the end of the move. — Heloise

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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