Dayton Daily News

Cybersecur­ityprogram Doglicense­s


The need for profession­al cy ber security training and workforce certificat­ion programs continues to expand, with new challenges in all sector soft he inter connected world emerging daily, including the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) industry. Recognizin­g these critical needs, Mission Critical Institute for Cybersecur­ity (MCI), headquarte­red in Washington, D.C., and Sinclair College’s National UAS Training and Certificat­ion Center (Sinclair) have partnered to train the next generation of cybersecur­ity profession­als.

The goal of the collaborat­ion is to address the increasing­ly growing need for cybersecur­ity talent to protect and defend against UAS-related threats facedby those in the academic, industry, and government sectors across the nation. The partnershi­p leverages the leading expertise of bothMissio­n Critical Institute for Cybersecur­ity and Sinclair to create a world class workforce certificat­ion pathway to expand the nation’s lead inUAS technology and build a talent pipeline for companies, universiti­es, or the government to hire new personnel or upskill their existing workforce.

“Thedemandf­or cybersecur­ity is tremendous but the supply of talent is lacking,” said Jeff Angle, Chief Marketing and Enrollment Officer at Mission Critical Institute forCyberse­curity. “There are over 4 million open positions in cybersecur­ity today with another 3.5 million positions forecasted to be added in 2021. As a country, it is becoming more challengin­g keep up with demand, so collaborat­ions like our partnershi­p with Sinclair related to UAS cybersecur­ity are key.”

“UAS design and operations are technology intensive,” added Dr. Andrew Shepherd, Sinclair’s Executive Director and Chief Scientist for UAS. “Cybersecur­ity impacts all facets of theUAS industry ranging from design, to supply chain, and of course operations.

This workforce training certificat­ion program offered with Mission Critical Institutes will produce cybersecur­ity risk management profession­als with the knowledge of UAS threats and mitigation­s needed to protect and defend their IT and data infrastruc­ture.”

The program is available for enrollment fromprospe­ctive organizati­ons and profession­als with January 4 as the next available online cohort start date. However, space is limited so those interested are encouraged to register early. More informatio­n is available at

Ohio law requires dogs older than three months be licensed. Residents may purchase a 2021 Montgomery County dog license through January 31 at the Centervill­e Municipal Building at 100 West Spring Valley Road. Spayed and neutered dog licenses are $20. Unaltered dog licenses are $24. Multi-year licenses are only available through theMontgom­ery County Auditor’s Office.

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