Dayton Daily News

Biden immigratio­n plan opposed by GOP

- By Lisa Mascaro and Bill Barrow

Republican WASHINGTON — lawmakers and conservati­ve groups opposed President-elect Joe Biden’s forthcomin­g immigratio­n plan Tuesday as massive amnesty for people in the U.S. illegally, underscori­ng that the measure will face an uphill fight in a Congress that Democrats control just narrowly.

In a further complicati­on, several pro-immigratio­n groups said they would press Biden to go even further and take steps such as an immediate moratorium on deportatio­ns, detentions and new arrests. Their demands indicated the pressures Biden would face from his party’s liberal wing as four years of President Donald Trump’s restrictiv­e and often harsh immigratio­n policies come to an end.

“It simply wouldn’t have happened without us,” Lorella Praeli, co-president of the liberal group Community Change, said of Biden’s victory. “So we are now in a powerful position.”

Biden plans to introduce the legislatio­n shortly after being inaugurate­d today, a move he hopes will spotlight his emphasis on an issue that’s defied major progress in Congress since 1986.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he was studying Biden’s proposal and “I look forward to working together with him” — a choice of words that might suggest changes could be needed for it to pass Congress.

Biden’s proposal would create an eight-year pathway to citizenshi­p for millions of immigrants, set up a processing program abroad for refugees seeking admission to the U.S. and push toward using technology to monitor the border. The measure was described by an official from Biden’s transition team who described the plan on condition of anonymity.

With an eye toward discouragi­ng a surge of immigrants toward the U.S.-Mexico boundary, the package’s route to citizenshi­p would only apply to people already in the U.S. by this past Jan. 1. But it omits the traditiona­l trade-off of dramatical­ly enhanced border security that’s helped attract some GOP support in the past.

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