Dayton Daily News

GOP rallies solidly against Democrats’ virus relief package,

- By Alan Fram

Republi— cans are closing ranks against Democrats’ proposed $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, even as the White House seemed to rule out a procedural Senate power play to protect one provision most treasured by progressiv­es: a minimum wage hike.

Despite paper-thin congressio­nal majorities, Democratic leaders were poised to push the sweeping package through the House today. They were hoping the Senate, where changes seem likely, would follow quickly enough to have legislatio­n on President Joe Biden’s desk by mid-March.

By early Thursday, not one Republican in either chamber had publicly said he or she would back the legislatio­n. GOP leaders were honing attacks on the package as a job killer that does too little to reopen schools or businesses shuttered for the coronaviru­s pandemic and that was not only wasteful but also even unscrupulo­us.

“I haven’t seen a Repub- lican yet that’s found some- thing in there that they agree with,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. “I think all Repub- licans believe in three simple things: They want a bill that puts us back to work, back to school and back to health. This bill is too costly, too corrupt and too liberal.”

The hardening opposi- tion suggested that Biden’s first major legislativ­e initiative could encounter unanimous GOP opposition. That was a counterpoi­nt to his refrain during his campaign about bringing the country together a replay of the Republican wall that new President Barack Obama encountere­d in 2009 and most of his administra­tion.

Democrats showed no signs of backing down against Republican claims that the bill was wasteful, too expensive and not focused enough on key needs like reopening schools.

“This kind of reflexive par- tisan opposition is not going to wash with the American people. It wouldn’t wash at any time, it especially doesn’t wash during this time of crisis,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Thursday.

By mid-day, the most suspense was over an anticipate­d opinion from Elizabeth MacDonough, the Senate’s nonpartisa­n parliament­arian, that could either bolster or potentiall­y kill Democrats’ hopes of using the package to gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $15 hourly by 2025.

If MacDonough decides the minimum wage provision must come out of the relief package, it would all but kill it because on its own it lacks enough support to overcome a Republican filibuster. It takes 60 votes to halt that tactic and the Senate is divided 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris allowed to cast only tie-breaking votes.

Another alternativ­e would be for Democrats to bust through decades of Senate precedent, ignore the parliament­arian’s view and keep the wage provision in the bill with their 51 votes.

But it is unclear if Democrats could achieve that. Some of their moderates oppose the minimum wage boost or want it dialed back, and others could be reluctant to defy Senate precedents that way.

White House chief of staff Ron Klain seemed to rule that option out when asked directly about that scenario.

“Certainly, that’s not something we would do,” he told MSNBC host Joy Reid on Wednesday. “We’re going to honor the rules of the Senate and work within that system to get this bill passed.”

Democrats are pushing the overall $1.9 trillion measure through Congress under special rules that will let them avoid a Senate filibuster by Republican­s.

 ?? J. SCOTT
APPLEWHITE / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy criticizes the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE / ASSOCIATED PRESS House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy criticizes the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.

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