Dayton Daily News

Tired of massacres? Get rid of the assault rifles already

- Gail Collins Cincinnati native Gail Collins writes for The New York Times.

How long does it take to get over a mass shooting?

Well, for the families and friends of victims of the Buffalo, New York, supermarke­t disaster, where 10 people were killed by a gunman with a semi-automatic rifle, obviously forever. But when it comes to the rest of the country, one man who ought to know says the public has already started to move on.

“That’s the pattern,” said Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticu­t. “Despite gun violence rates going through the roof, the country only pays attention when there’s a mass shooting, and then the country only pays attention for 24 to 48 hours.”

Murphy was formerly the congressma­n from the district where 20-year-old Adam Lanza killed 26 people, including 20 children, with a semi-automatic rifle at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012. Murphy later moved on to the Senate, where in 2016 he staged an old-school filibuster, speaking for more than 14 hours to protest the fact that his colleagues weren’t planning to do anything after the Pulse nightclub shooting that killed 49 in Florida.

The gunman at the

Pulse nightclub used a semi-automatic rifle. See a pattern here, anybody? And what do you think we should do about it?

A) Toughen background check laws.

B) Limit the sale of semi-automatics to people with hunting licenses.

C) Good Lord, just get rid of them.

Yeah, C does simplify things, doesn’t it? After we learned that Payton Gendron, the 18-year-old suspect in the Buffalo shooting, had been able to buy an AR-15-style assault rifle with just a little more effort than it would take to buy a burrito, inquiring minds wanted to know why.

It turns out that in many states, semi-automatic rifles are basically regarded as weapons of sport — the kind you would use to go hunting deer or target shooting.

Congress did indeed ban semi-automatic rifles in 1994, in a law with a 10-year expiration date. After the ban expired, the number of mass shootings increased. And Congress responded by ... pretty much ignoring the matter completely. Hey, the Republican­s had taken control.

Same thing now, of course. Nobody believes anything as controvers­ial as banning semi-automatic rifles is going to get through the current Senate. President Joe Biden would love to take action, but he hasn’t come up with anything more dramatic than nominating a permanent director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and


In Connecticu­t, which has some of the most restrictiv­e gun laws, Murphy says tons of his constituen­ts hunt and he never hears complaints about their inability to mow down deer without a rapid-fire rifle.

But getting rid of assault rifles won’t solve the gun problem as long as people in many states are allowed to own pistols and carry them when they stroll about the town.

We are not going to devolve into a discussion about how everything is getting worse. Really, people, everything can’t be worse about everything. Let’s think positive, and if you want to get attention, a simple battle is the best bet.

Get rid of assault rifles. All assault rifles. Ban them. Hunters can work on becoming better shots. The gun industry can diversify — and maybe start marketing swords and medieval knight costumes at trade shows. I know swords can do damage, but we live in an age when one victim at a time would be progress.

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