Dayton Daily News

Main goal is to teach kids to love reading

- Heloise Household Hints

Dear Heloise: This is a response to Nell V.’s letter encouragin­g parents to teach their children to read before entering kindergart­en. She had some good thoughts (not rushing was my favorite). I have taught reading for 30 years in both pub- lic and private schools. To teach reading to your chil- dren requires a great deal of education. If done wrong, your efforts may end up rais- ing a child who hates read- ing. Constant sounding out of words very often spawns a child who hates to read. Of course, no one wants that.

As a parent, your main goal should be to teach chil- dren to love reading. The first thing parents should do with children is read to them for about 15 minutes each day. Some of that time should be spent discussing the book and characters. Good read- ers love to read. You want your child to see reading as fun. I found it worked out well to read to them before bed in a cozy environmen­t. — M. Falconer, Woodstock, New York

Car safety

Dear Heloise: I have a very important car tip: Every time you get into your car, lock the doors. My vehicle has automatic locks that acti- vate after I drive it for 20 feet or so. Regardless, I lock mine the minute I get into the car. Recently, I was at a big retail store, got into my car and locked the doors

(like always) when an older gentleman tried to open my passenger door. I kept say- ing, “No, go away.” He was very insistent until I heard a voice say “Honey, I’m over here.” It was scary. All I could think was, what if? I was quite shaken, but it turned out OK.

Another tip on the same subject. When you take your shopping cart back to the front of the store (to get your 25 cents back), lock your car. Anybody could get into it or steal your groceries. Lit- tle things like that can give you peace of mind. I love to read your hints and recipes. I have tried a few already, too. Regards. — Helgie, in California

Swallowing pills

Dear Heloise: Regarding pill swallowing, I find that simply tilting the head to one side or another makes large pills (like fish oil) go down more easily. — Ralph Schneider, Olmos Park, Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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