Dayton Daily News

Springtime is in the air and so is poetry in translatio­n

- Vick Mickunas Book Nook Vick Mickunas of Yellow Springs interviews authors every Saturday at 7 a.m. and on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. on WYSO-FM (91.3). For more informatio­n, visit programs/book-nook. Contact him at vick@vickmickun­

Twenty-five years ago I did my first interview with the Irish writer Nuala O’Faolain (1930-2008). Her bestsellin­g initial memoir “Are You Somebody?” was just out in paperback and she stopped by WYSO in Yellow Springs to appear as a guest on my radio program.

I loved that book, but I did have one small bone to pick with her that day.

My dad’s parents were Lithuanian­s. Nuala had made some disparagin­g remarks about Lithuanian­s; she claimed that as a people they had not accomplish­ed much except for some bad things.

I asked her about her comments. Then she explained how she had then felt obligated to change her mind about Lithuanian­s.

She recounted a story about how she had been at a Dublin pub expressing some negative views about Lithuanian­s. The Irish poet Seamus Heaney (1939-2013) was also in the pub, he immediatel­y wagered her 20 pence that her opinion was wrong. She accepted the bet.

Heaney launched into a recitation of modern poetry written by Lithuanian poets. It was jaw droppingly brilliant stuff recited from memory by one the greatest poets of the 20th century. Nuala promptly paid off her lost wager. Heaney knew those poems intimately because he had translated them.

Heaney’s poetic brilliance had won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1995. While he was renowned for the poems he wrote, he was also an incredibly versatile translator and interprete­r of the work of others.

He was particular­ly interested in works that were written in Old, Middle, and Modern Irish.

His translatio­ns of poems originally written in Irish, Latin, Old English, Ancient and Modern Greek, Middle and Modern French, Medieval and Modern Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Dutch, Russian, German, Scottish Gaelic, and Czech have been collected together at last and issued in a gorgeous new volume as “The Translatio­ns of Seamus Heaney” edited by Marco Sonzogni.

Heaney was particular­ly fond of the 19th century Italian decadent poet Giovanni Pascoli (18551912). He translated many of Pascoli’s poems.

Here’s one favorite of mine:

The Fallen Oak

Where once its shadow spread, the oak tree lies in state.

Its battle with the hurricane is lost. People say, now I see the size of it. Here and there inside its fallen crest

The small spring nests hang on in tattered bits.

People say, now I see the good of it. Everyone’s happy, everyone’s chopping at it,

Everyone goes home with his bundle of sticks.

Next thing, a cry on the air... A blackcap flits

Searching for something she won’t find: her nest.

This collection contains numerous poetic treasures like that one. Happy Spring from the Book Nook.

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 ?? ?? “The Translatio­ns of Seamus Heaney” edited by Marco Sonzogni (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 687 pages, $50).
“The Translatio­ns of Seamus Heaney” edited by Marco Sonzogni (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 687 pages, $50).

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