Dayton Daily News

Peeling off those pesky price tags

- Heloise Household Hints

Dear Heloise: I know you’re a proponent of vinegar’s many uses. I discovered another yesterday: Spray vinegar onto price tags that are stuck on glass or ceramics. Let it sit for a while, then scrape off. My fingernail­s are thrilled! No more scrape, scrape, scraping! Cheers. -- Denise Richter, in San Antonio

Keeping coffee fresh

Dear Heloise: Our ground coffee became stale once half the bag was gone. My ears could not take a loud bean grinder, so this solution works well for us: I keep the ground beans in the freezer, and before bedtime, I get the coffee ready to be turned on in the morning by my husband. Now our coffee tastes fresh!

P.S. Thanks for your hints. I read them every day in our Houston Chronicle. -- Sue Kaestner, in Houston

No more plastic

Dear Heloise: Your column on plastic pollution had some good ideas, but it missed an important one: If we stop buying plastic, manufactur­ers will stop producing it.

Most of what I purchase can be found in cardboard, glass or metal. I refuse to take plastic bags or food containers. It means I have to plan ahead and remember to take cloth bags or alternativ­e containers. Plus, metal water bottles actually keep ice water colder for longer. -- Ann’s Thoughts, via email

Dealing with flies

Dear Heloise: We have a problem with flies coming into the kitchen. They appreciate any food that is out and even socialize with us by landing on our arms or clothing. But they are very quick to fly away with any movement. I found that if the fly is on a flat surface, it is possible to sneak up carefully from the back and drop a round metal dome-shaped cover (like a strainer) over it.

Then, I take a manila folder, slide it underneath and release it outside. Bye, bye, fly! -- M. Pearson, via email

Preparing for car emergencie­s

Dear Readers: Plan ahead for car emergencie­s. As we know, they can happen at any moment, so take a few preventive measures to be prepared just in case. Maintain your car and monitor the tires to be sure they are properly inflated. Exam- ine the windshield wipers to make sure they are in good condition. Keep your gas tank full. Place an envelope in the glovebox that’s marked “In Case of an Accident” with the name and phone number of a person to notify. Store blankets, flares, flashlight­s and a firstaid kit in the trunk of your vehicle. -

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally, but will use the best hints received in my column.

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