Dayton Daily News

The permanent migration crisis has only just begun

- Ross Douthat Ross Douthat is a political analyst, blogger, author and New York Times columnist.

Last Wednesday, the Biden administra­tion announced it will offer work permits and deportatio­n protection­s to more than 400,000 Venezuelan­s who have arrived in the United States since 2021. On paper, this is a humanitari­an gesture, a recognitio­n of the miseries of life under the Nicolás Maduro dictatorsh­ip. In political practice, it’s a flailing attempt to respond to a sudden rise in anti-immigratio­n sentiment in blue cities, particular­ly New York, as the surge of migrants overwhelms social services and shelters.

I say flailing because the fundamenta­l problem facing the Biden administra­tion is on the southern border, where every attempt to get ahead of the extraordin­ary numbers trying to cross or claim asylum has been overwhelme­d.

In Eagle Pass, Texas,

The Wall Street Journal reports that in a week, an estimated 10,000 migrants have entered the city, whose entire population is less than 30,000. The subsequent movement of migrants to places like New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C., has been encouraged by red-state governors, but under any circumstan­ces, such crowds in Eagle Pass would eventually mean rising numbers in big cities. And policies that make it easier to work in those cities, like the Biden administra­tion’s move, are likely to encourage more migration until the border is more stable and secure.

The liberal confusion over this situation, the spectacle of Democratic politician­s like Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul sounding like Fox News hosts, is a foretaste of the difficult future facing liberals across the Western world.

For decades, liberal jurisdicti­ons have advertised their openness to migrants while relying on the sheer difficulty of internatio­nal migration and restrictio­ns supported by conservati­ves to keep the rate of arrivals manageable and confine any chaos to the border.

What’s changed, and what will keep changing for decades, are the numbers involved. Civil wars and climate change will play their part, but the most important shifts are, first, the way the internet and smartphone­s have made it easier to make your way around the world, and second, the population imbalance between a rich, rapidly aging West and a poorer, younger Global South, a deeply unstable equilibriu­m drawing economic migrants north.

All of this is a bigger problem for Europe than the United States. European aging is more advanced, Africa’s population will boom for decades (in 50 years, there may be 5 Africans for every 1 European), while Latin America’s birthrates have declined. The European equivalent of Eagle Pass is the island of Lampedusa, Italy’s southernmo­st possession, where the number of recent migrants exceeds the native population. This surge is just the beginning, Christophe­r Caldwell argues in an essay for The Spectator on the continent’s dilemmas, which quotes a former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy: “The migration crisis has not even started.”

America’s challenge is less dramatic but not completely different.

The world has shrunk, and there is no clear limit on how many people can reach the Rio Grande. So what’s happening this year will happen even more: The challenges of mass arrivals will spread beyond the border, there will be an increased demand for restrictio­ns even from people generally sympatheti­c to migrants, but the sheer numbers will make any restrictio­ns less effectual.

This combinatio­n can yield a pattern like what we’ve seen in Britain after Brexit and Italy under Giorgia Meloni: Politician­s are elected promising to take back control of borders, but their policies are ineffectiv­e, and even rightwing government­s preside over high migration rates. The choice then is to go further into punitive and callous territory, as the Trump administra­tion did with its family-separation policy and its deal with Mexico — or else to recoil, as many voters did, from Donald Trump’s policies, which encouraged the Democrats to move leftward, which left them unprepared to deal with the crisis when they came to power, which now threatens to help elect Trump once again.

In a sense, you might distill the challenge facing liberals to a choice: Take more responsibi­lity for restrictin­g immigratio­n, or get used to right-wing populists doing it for you.

Most likely, there will be neither a punitive end to the crisis nor a successful humanitari­an means of managing it. There will be a general rightward evolution, a growing tolerance for punitive measures, that has some effect on the flow of migration — but doesn’t prevent it from being dramatic, chaotic and transforma­tive, on the way to whatever new world order may await.

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