The Decatur Daily Democrat

Council on Aging robbed


Last week on the morning of September 15th, the Adams County Council on Aging immediatel­y knew they had a serious problem with one of their vehicles when there was a loud, abnormal noise coming from under the hood. After taking a look at the problem, it didn’t take much detective work to realize that their car had been robbed of, not just one, but the two catalytic converters, that the Council’s hydraulic lift vehicle needs to function properly.

The Council on Aging rents a room in the Berne Senior center and uses it to keep keys and paperwork. In addition to this, they also will park their vehicles in the parking lot there. It is believed that on the night of September 14th, well after the last trip had been made, someone broke into the vehicle that sat in the Berne Senior Center Parking lot and stole the parts. The financial costs tallied up to about $1,500 per part and nearly caused an estimated 50 senior citizens to be without transporta­tion for the week.

“I was absolutely heartbroke­n, and completely discourage­d that someone would take from a handicap vehicle,” said Council on Aging Executive Director Michelle Lengerich, “I mean that is really about as low as you can get. That is some of our people’s only form of transporta­tion.”

This isn’t the first time that the Council on Aging has fallen victim to theft. Lengerich explained that in the past the vehicles have had gas siphoned from them while they have been parked overnight. These acts have fueled the push for the Council on Aging to build a garage to safer protect their vehicles. Lengerich again explained that the $100,000 in funds for the garage itself have been secured, their only obstacle is finding the land and area to build. The Council on Aging has been in contact with the City of Berne about this.

The Council on Aging was able to get the vehicle fixed over the weekend and is back in service now. There is currently a Gofundme page started under the title, “Parts and Labor for Transporta­tion Van.” The funding goal from that page is $3,500.

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