Denise Austin Fit Over 50


Denise offers some suggestion­s for making the most of your newfound time


CREATE A ROUTINE. Now that you have no school games or events to go to or big dinners to prepare (among other activities), it helps to create a routine so you can stay focused and have purpose. For her routine, Denise usually does a morning workout, then works for most of the day, and afterward either makes dinner or goes out to eat with Jeff. “I like to map out the week’s meals ahead of time so that I know what to buy, as that offers a sense of planning that I enjoy,” Denise says. “Find a routine that works for you and gives you balance!”

GO ON DATES. Now that you have more free time, take advantage of that by dating your partner—or your friends! Denise makes it a point to have lunch or dinner with her friends or sisters at least once a week, and she and Jeff love to find new restaurant­s to try or check out areas they haven’t yet explored. “It’s fun to have something to look forward to—you can put it on your calendar and count down the days!” says Denise. “I am a big proponent

For many, aging comes with facing the reality that your kids are no longer living at home. While some people enjoy this time, others may feel a little out of sorts. “I know when my girls, Kelly and Katie, left the house, Jeff and I had to figure out

of saying ‘yes’ to new adventures, especially as I get older.”

PICK UP A NEW HOBBY. Whether you want to try a new-to-you form of exercise such as Zumba or hiking, learn to play pickleball or throw pottery, read more books or learn a different language—a world of activities is out there! Look for arts and sports offerings in your local community, start a book club with some friends, find an online course that interests you…the possibilit­ies are endless.

VOLUNTEER. If you have the luxury of spare time, consider volunteeri­ng. It provides such a wonderful experience for those you are helping and for you as well! Write down five things that are important to you, then search for local volunteer opportunit­ies around one or two of them.

TRAVEL. Having time to visit cities you haven’t been to—or revisiting the places you love—is such a joy. And it doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Pick a local park you’ve never been to and take a walk there. Plan a day trip to a place within your state that’s been on your bucket list. Put these on your calendar and then do them! You won’t regret the experience, and you’ll create lasting memories.

STAY CONNECTED. Finally, keep in touch with your kids! Schedule video or phone chats, meet in person if you are able to, and send letters and care packages. It will help you transition into enjoying your kids’ adulthood and independen­ce while still being part of a family unit.

what the new normal in our life would be like,” Denise says. “The good news is that you can take advantage of the extra time and quiet to refocus on yourself!” Follow these tips from Denise to embrace being an empty nester. She does, and you can too!

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