Detroit Free Press

COVID-19 bringing changes to campaigns

Meet-and-greet events, convention­s must adapt

- Detroit Free Press USA TODAY NETWORK

Todd Spangler

Dee McBroom, who is working for Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter’s election campaign, recently got the sort of call political consultant­s like her typically love to receive: a local union was offering up members to go door knocking on Coulter’s behalf.

In an era of social distancing, face coverings and the fear of coronaviru­s, however, McBroom wasn’t sure she wanted to accept.

“Is that something we want to do?” she wondered aloud. “There’s a message you’re sending. These days everyone has a ‘No Solicitati­on’ handbill on their door by default.”

Four weeks before the Aug. 4 primary and four months before the Nov. 3 general election, the campaign season in Michigan and across the U.S. is shot through with uncertaint­y.

No candidate is entirely sure how ready people are to talk about politics; there are deep cleavages, too, between people over the necessity of masks and distancing and whether gyms or restaurant­s or bars should be open. Partisan difference­s are running especially high, with protests over police brutality against Black people spilling into city streets and leading President Donald Trump — the gravitatio­nal center of the political rift dividing Americans — threatenin­g military action to keep order and jailing protesters.

If you’re in the business of politics, the looming questions are small and large, ranging from whether it’s safe to send volunteers out to try to persuade voters to how to ask for donations amid a recession. If you’re a lesserknow­n, first-time candidate, you’re wondering how to get any attention at all.

Three months ago, Michigan Democratic campaign consultant Joe DiSano noted there was a built-in advantage for incumbents and first-time candidates who were well known. But no one was certain how to move forward. “I’ve never had to write a campaign plan around the impact of a pandemic. I never expected to write a campaign plan that called for avoiding voters face-to-face,” he said.

While the trend line of cases and deaths in Michigan has been markedly down in recent weeks, those doubts still linger, especially with a slight uptick recently in the number of new cases.

“I don’t think anyone knows (exactly what will work),” said former state Republican Party chairman Ron Weiser, also a former U.S. ambassador to Slovakia. “There’s no way to compare it to the past.”

Already something as time-honored as the national political convention­s has been turned on its head. Democrats are planning a mostly virtual convention Aug. 17-20 to nominate former Vice President Joe Biden, rather than bringing tens of thousands of delegates, alternates and media to Milwaukee as originally planned. No one knows what impact that will have on the enthusiasm and get-out-the-vote efforts that often grow out of party convention­s.

Just as many questions swirl around Trump and the Republican­s’ plans for an in-person event Aug. 25-27 in Jacksonvil­le, Florida, especially with that state seeing a recent spike in coronaviru­s cases and worries that officials there were too quick to allow business to return to normal. Many commentato­rs noted a recent Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, had far fewer people in attendance than expected — and wondered how eager the public is to take part in a big event at this time and how the rest of the country will see it.

Everywhere you look, coronaviru­s has upset previously held expectatio­ns heading into a campaign season almost certain to be a historic one, with a deeply unpopular president trying to win reelection, control of the U.S. Senate potentiall­y up for grabs and widespread concerns over whether elections officials are prepared, legally and otherwise, to handle millions of mailed-in ballots.

Since all politics are ultimately comes down to the little things, too.

July Fourth celebratio­ns, like those in Frankfort or Ludington, were canceled because of the virus, depriving candidates of parades to march in. In urban areas like Detroit, neighborho­od community groups that form the backbone of get-out-the-vote efforts aren’t holding face-to-face meetings, potentiall­y blunting their reach. Candidates are relying more and more and more on phone calls and online connection­s with voters.

“People are isolated, informatio­n is not necessaril­y getting to them,” McBroom said. “It’s a real challenge. … People need to think much more creatively.”


Some candidates still knock on doors


Not everyone is staying away from the traditions of face-to-face contact, however. With the trend in the state being well below the height of the crisis, more candidates and campaigns are willing to canvass their districts, though with precaution­s in place.

Democratic first-term U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, for instance, was walking Detroit’s west side in late June with campaign workers, knocking on doors — though she was careful to wear a mask and, as soon as she knocked, backing away from the door. Often, she spoke to residents through their windows; sometimes people came out and wanted to get photos with her — breaking social distancing guidelines in some cases, but at least they were masked.

“I need to see them, I need to make sure they’re OK,” said Tlaib, who is running for reelection and has long been known for her grassroots campaignin­g.

This time, though, she comes bearing hand sanitizer and door-hangers with phone numbers and contact informatio­n where residents can get help getting coronaviru­s-related supplies and resources.

She’s far from alone in terms of gradually testing the waters of face-to-face campaignin­g: Tony Zammit, a spokesman for the state Republican Party, said they have masked and gloved door-knockers throughout the state, though he declined to say where. “As far as we know, we haven’t had any negative reaction,” he said.

How those concerns are handled have become a political question in themselves.

After months of restrictin­g campaignin­g to phone calls and contacts with voters using Internet services, Republican U.S. Senate candidate John James has been on a statewide tour — including visiting a farm in Jackson County — but has been wearing face coverings and practicing social distancing where it is called for. “We can never be perfect, but we can try to be better,” he told WDIV-TV’s Devin Scillian, in a recent interview.

Democrats, though, have noted that James appeared at an event with Vice President Mike Pence in a Macomb County restaurant a few weeks ago without a mask. And when Scillian tried asking James, who is running against U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., whether Trump should have worn a mask at the Tulsa rally as an example to others, James would only answer for himself, “I don’t have a problem wearing a mask.”

Peters has been participat­ing mostly in virtual events, including a rally with the Michigan Education Associatio­n, a teachers union, and an online discussion of racial justice issues with former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. He did walk along Detroit’s Livernois Avenue with U.S. Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Southfield, and participat­e in a rally — where the masks appeared to come off only when the speakers were speaking.

There remain questions, though, about how and when candidates and their volunteers can appropriat­ely make their campaign activities more personal.

Tailgate talks, virtual Meetups

In the 3rd Congressio­nal District in west Michigan, for instance, Peter Meijer, who is running for the Republican nomination to the seat currently held by U.S. Rep. Justin Amash, L-Cascade Township, is looking at holding “tailgate talks,” where a group of interested voters could get together — outside, staying 6 feet apart — and listen to him campaign from the back of his Chevy truck.

“What is door-knocking a symbol of? It’s a symbol of caring about the community,” said Meijer, who, as part of the family that founded the eponymous grocery store chain, enjoys high name recognitio­n already. “(It’s a question of) how do you convey that same sense?” This spring, his campaign provided care packages of canned and dry good and toiletries — to some 3,000 families that requested them, including several who lived outside the district.

“In times of crisis, you have to put politics aside,” he said. “For some people … their concerns get a lot more fundamenta­l, they have bigger things to worry about than who is going to be on the ballot.”

U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Holly — a Democratic congresswo­man who two years ago flipped what had been a Republican-held district — is looking at how best to put together events that mix a live audience, with proper precaution­s in place, with an online functional­ity that allows more people to participat­e.

Meanwhile, her campaign, which knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors in 2018, is instead relying this time on virtual events, phone calls and handwritte­n notes and postcards from campaign workers and volunteers to their neighbors to try to recreate the personal touch.

For some, the move to organizing political efforts online has been something of a godsend, with seemingly no drop-off in enthusiasm. If anything, it has been the opposite. Take the Oakland County-based group Fems for Dems. Where before it would hold “speed dating” get-togethers so people who came to inperson events could rotate among candidates to talk to them, the group now holds its events through Zoom and Facebook Live.

“We’ve had 60-some candidates between Oakland and Macomb counties,” said Lori Goldman, one of the founders of the group made up largely of suburban women. “We’ve had almost 50,000 views (for some events). We could never have replicated that in person.” She and another founder, Julie CampbellBo­de, even host “Quarantine Diaries” where they discuss life and politics during the pandemic in often colorful terms.

Too soon to talk politics or raise money? Not for Goldman, who, with her take-no-prisonerss­tyle of banter, figures it’s now or never to win. “People say you can’t ask for money, it’s COVID,” she said. “We say bullshit. The Republican­s are raising money by the bucketload­s. We don’t act like we’re doing anything wrong because we’re not doing anything wrong.”

They’ve hosted book parties and had social critic Noam Chomsky on. They’re also working on a deal to bring on New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who put in place tougher gun laws after mosque shootings in that country and was praised for her handling of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“You can’t act afraid to ask for money,” Goldman said. “I want somebody who is going to have balls. I want somebody who is Trump, but good, who isn’t afraid to change things.”

Campaigns count on advertisem­ents

If the little things, such as direct contact with voters, are harder to maintain, it means the campaigns and outside interest groups that can afford to invest in the big things — such as TV and cable advertisin­g, and polling — will do so.

The last time the nonprofit Michigan Campaign Finance Network, which tracks campaign spending in the state, looked at data on ads in early May, it found that at least $46 million in political airtime had been purchased or reserved in the state in the span following the March 10 presidenti­al primary.

That has only gotten bigger since then. Advertisin­g Analytics, a Washington, D.C.area company that tracks and analyzes advertisin­g data, said outside groups hoping to play a role in the presidenti­al race have already spent more than $12 million in Michigan, with more than half that, $6.3 million spent by Priorities USA Action, an anti-Trump group. America First Action, supporting Trump, has spent more than $2 million, and that doesn’t include all the airtime the various groups have reserved or spending coming by the campaigns themselves.

Some of those resources could go unspent if Biden continues to hold what looks like a dominant lead in the polls of Michigan over Trump. But Priorities USA and others say they have no intention of scaling back in what they still consider a battlegrou­nd state, and the president — who won Michigan by just two-tenths of 1% of the vote in 2016 — has shown no inclinatio­n to abandon it to the Democrat.

What may be different, however, is how campaigns and outside groups are able to target specific voters this year, said Simon Schuster, executive director of the Michigan Campaign Finance Network. Using social media sites including Twitter and Facebook, conservati­ve groups like the one calling itself Mighty Michigan have been able to stoke anger against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-athome orders, even though polls find them widely popular. Its Facebook page has some 28,000 followers.

Voters can also expect that sort of quick response from the campaigns themselves, said Schuster, noting that, as protests broke out in cities across the U.S. following the death of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s, the Trump campaign aired in Detroit an ad claiming “Antifa” activists were “destroying our communitie­s, rioting, looting,” despite little or no proof to support that. A day before, Schuster noted, the campaign was running an ad saying the “great American comeback has begun.”

“Campaigns are becoming more nimble,” he said. “(They are able) to seize upon these rapidly forming crises and rile up their base.”

The larger question is whether the candidates lower on the ballot will be able to raise enough money to do that, especially those who may not be as well known.

Some of those questions will be answered on July 15, when congressio­nal candidates announce their fundraisin­g totals for the threemonth period ending June 30. In 2018, Democratic candidates in some key districts showed an edge in fundraisin­g that played out on Election Day.

But it’s already clear that, with only a few exceptions like Democratic state Rep. Jon Hoadley’s challenge of U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, congressio­nal incumbents aren’t attracting as well-known and well-funded challenger­s as in 2018. Part of that is because the state will lose a seat as population growth in other states leads to shifting seats in Congress and its districts will be redrawn next year, creating uncertaint­y.

That leaves the candidates who are left fighting an often-uphill battle to be noticed. Early this year, Paul Junge, a Republican seeking his party’s nomination to face Slotkin, went to a Rotary Club meeting in Livingston County — before the pandemic — and delivered what the Livingston Post called a “highly charged” political message despite the club’s rules against political messaging.

Junge said he hadn’t known about the rule. Since then, however, it’s only gotten tougher to find places to speak unless it’s online.

Especially when it comes to more local races, however, including those for state House, the personal touch is almost required, Weiser said. But with all the focus now on online and telephonic connection­s, he worries people will tune out. “There are so many people doing it, it gets tiring,” he said.

Voting is biggest change of all

If there are large and small questions how campaignin­g will go on in the time of COVID-19, there is an even bigger one waiting on the two big Election Days that are rapidly approachin­g — namely, how all the votes will be cast and counted.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, along with city and township clerks, says she’s working to get absentee ballot applicatio­ns to all of the 7.7 million registered voters in the state, so that, in theory, they can fill them out and get absentee ballots, avoiding any need to go to potentiall­y crowded polling places with the virus still a very real threat.

But, again, no one is entirely sure how many voters, used to showing up at the polls but understand­ably anxious about doing so this year, will avail themselves of voting by absentee ballot, especially in large urban areas like Detroit where organizing get-out-the-vote efforts has always meant outreach to ensure voters get to the polls. Not as many voters may have Internet connection­s as in some other areas, for instance. And while they have phones, many people aren’t as willing to pick up any more if they don’t know who’s calling.

State Democratic Party Chairman Lavora Barnes said that’s why her party has more than 100 organizers on the phones, talking to community volunteers, who they’re counting on to reach the people they know to get them to submit their absentee ballots. The fact that the state approved no-reason absentee voting in 2018 gave the party a head start, she said. “We’ve been working on this for more than a year and we’ve gotten good at having this conversati­on with voters,” Barnes said.

There are more complicate­d questions around voting that still need to be resolved, however.

For instance, Trump and many Republican­s have complained that no-reason absentee voting — and efforts like Benson’s to get ballot applicatio­ns to every voter — are inherently corrupt and should be challenged in court, despite scant evidence in Michigan or elsewhere of outright voter fraud connected to mail-in balloting. Trump himself has voted several times absentee.

All the same, he has criticized anyone who might think otherwise and threatened to withhold funding for Michigan if it sent out the ballots. Republican­s and Democrats alike believe that any move that increases the number of ballots cast, especially in large, urban areas, tends to benefit Democrats.

Trump’s criticism, however, comes in the face of efforts by his own party to encourage absentee balloting over the years, including in Michigan. Jeff Timmer, a former executive director of the state Republican Party who is now part of the anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project, said surveys showing Trump’s message making Republican­s question mail-in balloting — which has helped make it easier for swing suburban voters to cast their ballots as well — is “blunting their own turnout effort.”

“If the party is not investing in that — and I can’t imagine they’re not doing that — yes, they’re insane,” he said.

Richard Studley, president and CEO of the

Michigan Chamber of Commerce, said his group, which has often been aligned with Republican candidates and priorities in the state, remains committed to encouragin­g absentee voting. “I’ve always felt if the only way you can win is a low-turnout election, maybe you’re not backing the right candidate or don’t have a good idea,” he said. “When there are good people who are genuinely frightened to leave their homes, absentee voting is a good thing.”

Local clerks, meanwhile, are preparing for an onslaught of absentee ballots. With potentiall­y millions of ballots to be cast by mail or into drop-off boxes, none of which can be counted before Election Day, it is almost certain to overwhelm the resources of cities and townships, large and small. across the state responsibl­e for them being counted.

In Sterling Heights, which is often a bellwether for the state as a whole, City Clerk Melanie Ryska said ballot applicatio­ns are already far higher than they were four years ago and she knows there will be many thousands more for the November general election. She said while she believes she has the equipment — high-speed tabulators — to handle the counting, many smaller jurisdicti­ons may not. Since absentee ballots can’t start being counted until 7 a.m. on Election Day, that could mean huge delays in finalizing results — and that will depend, in part, on there being enough workers recruited to handle the load.

Already, elections officials across Michigan have received more than 1.3 million absentee ballot applicatio­ns and issued more than 1 million ballots. At this point in 2016, they had received fewer than 380,000 applicatio­ns.

And while new voter registrati­ons were down sharply from the last presidenti­al election year in April and May — with fewer than 12,887 compared with more than 41,222 four years ago in those months — they rebounded significan­tly in June, with 35,270 registrati­ons. That’s compared with about 24,000 in June 2016.

Looking at the full first six months of this year, new voter registrati­ons were still well under those at this point in 2016, likely because voter drives were suspended and government offices closed because of the pandemic. June’s totals, however, suggest there may still be time to catch up.

That could be great news in terms of enthusiasm. But it also means more strain on the systems used to count votes.

“Anything can happen on Election Day,” Ryska added. “If a tabulator breaks, we’re in trouble.”

Mark Grebner, a Democratic political consultant and Ingham County commission­er, says like in any campaign season, there are few, if any, consistent rules about this one: Individual elections will come down to the individual candidates, the makeup of the electorate, turnout and more. But 2020’s election — defined as it will be by Trump, COVID-19 and protests for change — will be different, he said.

“America is really fed up and stressed out and likely to get violent if we’re not careful,” he said. “There won’t be any ticket-splitters. … The average voter is not interested in being reasonable this year, or in having philosophi­c discussion­s. … They’re angry, they’re mad, they’re a little emotionall­y unhinged. … There’s a million things they’re afraid of.”

Contact Todd Spangler: tspangler@free Follow him on Twitter @tsspangler. Read more on Michigan politics and sign up for our elections newsletter.

 ?? RASHIDA FOR CONGRESS ?? U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib leaves materials for a voter at a house in Detroit. At a time when coronaviru­s is a major concern, campaign traditions like knocking on doors have come under scrutiny.
RASHIDA FOR CONGRESS U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib leaves materials for a voter at a house in Detroit. At a time when coronaviru­s is a major concern, campaign traditions like knocking on doors have come under scrutiny.
 ?? VOTE MEIJER FOR CONGRESS ?? Peter Meijer, Republican candidate in Michigan’s 3rd Congressio­nal District, meets via an online service with a voter in the hospital during the coronaviru­s pandemic in the state.
VOTE MEIJER FOR CONGRESS Peter Meijer, Republican candidate in Michigan’s 3rd Congressio­nal District, meets via an online service with a voter in the hospital during the coronaviru­s pandemic in the state.

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