Detroit Free Press

Trump: Reopen schools or lose funds


Collin Binkley

President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to withhold federal funding if America’s schools don’t reopen in the fall despite the coronaviru­s pandemic, and he lashed out at federal health officials for reopening guidelines that he said are impractica­l and expensive.

As Trump increased his pressure on state and local officials, New York City announced that most of its students would return to classrooms only two or three days a week and would learn online in between. “Most schools will not be able to have all their kids in school at the same time,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

Trump issued his threat to withhold funds from schools that do not reopen while repeating a political claim that Democrats want to keep schools closed for election-year reasons and not because of any risks associated with the coronaviru­s.

He did not say what funding he would pull, but Vice President Mike Pence later suggested that future COVID-19 relief bills could be tied to reopening schools.

Trump’s warning drew backlash from some governors who said he has no authority over schools plans. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said officials will reopen when it’s safe.

“School reopenings are a state decision, period,” he said. “That is the law, and that is the way we are going to proceed. It’s not up to the president of the United States.”

In announcing New York City’s plan for inperson instructio­n two or three days a week, de Blasio said schools can’t accommodat­e all their students at any one time while maintainin­g social distancing.

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