Detroit Free Press

Ex-Michigan DHHS chief: Yes, Whitmer and I argued

‘Stakes were life and death’ in COVID-19 strategy, he says

- Dave Boucher

In a letter to lawmakers Thursday, former Michigan health department director Robert Gordon still did not expressly say why he resigned from his role as a key leader in the fight against COVID-19 in late January, but he acknowledg­ed there were policy disagreeme­nts.

Gordon said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer deserved to have a director of the Department of Health and Human Services “with whom she is comfortabl­e.”

“On occasion, there were robust conversati­ons about policy issues where reasonable people could disagree and did. This was healthy: The stakes were life and death, and different people have different roles,” Gordon wrote in the letter.

“Michigan was hit hard by COVID early, and initially had the third-highest fatality rate in the nation. But different perspectiv­es can produce strong outcomes.”

Gordon declined to comment beyond what he included in his letter. Neither Gordon nor the governor’s office would confirm whether a policy disagreeme­nt directly led to his departure. Gordon’s letter says he offered his resignatio­n and the governor accepted, but neither Gordon nor Whitmer’s office would say whether the governor asked him to leave.

“There weren’t any impropriet­ies with his work. He resigned and the governor accepted his resignatio­n. No additional details to share, and we’re not going to speculate on rumor,” Whitmer communicat­ions director Tiffany Brown said in an email Thursday.

The letter came a day after Gordon and Whitmer agreed to waive a confidenti­ality clause in a separation agreement signed in February. The deal paid Gordon $155,000, and also stated that “in the interest of protecting deliberati­ons among government officials, the parties agree to maintain confidenti­ality regarding employee’s departure from employment unless required by law to release such informatio­n.”

That clause prompted considerab­le outcry from critics, chiefly Republican lawmakers in the Legislatur­e. House Oversight Committee Chairman Steven Johnson, R-Wayland, previously said he planned to investigat­e the separation agreement and asked Gordon to testify.

“While it’s disappoint­ing, it took tremendous, sustained public pressure and outcry to get to this point, I am glad that the governor and former Director Gordon have finally made it possible for them to offer open, honest testimony before the Legislatur­e on the state’s controvers­ial nursing home policy,” Johnson said Thursday, in response to Gordon and Whitmer waiving the confidenti­ality clause.

“I have requested and will continue to request their testimony before the House’s Oversight Committee.”

Gordon’s letter indicated he was submitting the written statement in lieu of appearing before the committee. Lawmakers who previously called for his resignatio­n will likely continue to pursue more informatio­n as to the circumstan­ces that prompted his departure.

On Thursday, Johnson and 20 other lawmakers filed a resolution seeking subpoena power for the House Oversight Committee.

After Gordon’s separation agreement became public, news of other agreements emerged. Steve Gray, the former head of the Unemployme­nt Insurance Agency, received roughly $86,000 when he resigned in 2020. Sara Esty, a former deputy director for the health department, received one month of paid leave earlier this year. And at least five former members of the Michigan Economic Developmen­t Corporatio­n, a quasi-government­al entity that uses both public and private funds, received a total of $255,000 since 2019.

Republican lawmakers have blasted these agreements, arguing they undermine public statements from Whitmer touting the need for transparen­cy in government. However, records show the Legislatur­e has spent $690,000 on at least 33 confidenti­al agreements associated with former employees in roughly the last decade.

Whitmer has repeatedly avoided questions about why Gordon left. The day he resigned, she also did not initially thank him for his service in a news release that announced his successor, Elizabeth Hertel. She later tweeted her appreciati­on and has expressed it repeatedly.

Many around Lansing, including state Sen. Jeff Irwin, D-Ann Arbor, speculated Gordon left because of a disagreeme­nt over COVID-19 restrictio­ns. Hours before he resigned, Gordon signed an updated health order that rescinded a complete ban on indoor dining. Hertel later told a state Senate committee it’s possible Gordon and Whitmer disagreed on COVID-19 policies.

“We all know that Gov. Whitmer moved to reopen more quickly and that Gordon wanted more caution. The reasons for his departure are open and obvious. She wanted to reopen restaurant­s so Gordon got a severance instead of a job,” Irwin tweeted in early March.

In his letter, Gordon said health restrictio­ns implemente­d in November were “developed and then extended through days of deliberati­on.” As he has done in the past, Gordon defended actions he and the governor took to respond to the pandemic.

“The evidence is clear that Governor Whitmer’s actions have saved thousands of lives. I was honored to play a part in that work,” Gordon wrote in the letter.

“I am happy now to be a private citizen, see my family and contribute to our country in new ways.”

In a statement Gordon posted online earlier this month, he said the pandemic was especially grueling for himself and his family. He noted both his parents contracted COVID-19, eventually leading to the death of his father.

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