Detroit Free Press

Low Mississipp­i River level hits farmers as barge traffic snarls

- Michael Phillis, Jim Salter and Jeff Roberson

ALONG THE MISSISSIPP­I RIVER – Adam Thomas starts harvesting soybeans on his Illinois farm when the dew burns off in the morning. This year, dry weather accelerate­d the work, allowing him to start early. His problem was getting the soybeans to market.

About 60% of the Midwest and northern Great Plains states are in a drought. Nearly the entire stretch of the Mississipp­i River – from Minnesota to the river’s mouth in Louisiana – has experience­d below average rainfall over the past two months. As a result, water levels on the river have dropped to nearrecord lows, disrupting ship and barge traffic that is critical for moving recently harvested agricultur­al goods such as soybeans and corn downriver for export.

Although scientists say climate change is raising temperatur­es and making droughts more common and intense, a weather expert says this latest drought affecting the central United States is more likely a short-term weather phenomenon.

The lack of rain has seriously affected commerce. The river moves more than half of all U.S. grain exports but the drought has reduced the flow of goods by about 45%, according to industry estimates cited by the federal government. Prices for rail shipments, an alternativ­e for sending goods by barge, are also up.

“It just means lower income, basically,” said Mike Doherty, a senior economist with the Illinois Farm Bureau.

Thomas farms at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississipp­i rivers and doesn’t own enough grain storage to wait out the high costs of shipping.

“I’ve had to take a price discount,” he said. Climate change is generally driving wetter conditions in the Upper Mississipp­i River region but in recent months, lower water levels have revealed parts that are usually inaccessib­le. Thousands of visitors last weekend walked across typically submerged riverbed to Tower Rock, a protruding formation about 100 miles southeast of St. Louis. It’s the first time since 2012 that tourists could make the trek and stay dry. On the border of Tennessee and Missouri where the river is a half-mile wide, four-wheeler tracks snake across vast stretches of exposed riverbed.

In a badly needed break from the dry weather earlier this week, the region finally received some rain.

“It is kind of taking the edge off the pain of the low water, but it is not going to completely alleviate it,” said Kai Roth of the Lower Mississipp­i River Forecast Center, adding that the river needs several rounds of “good, soaking rain.”

Barges are at risk of hitting bottom and getting stuck in the mud. Earlier this month, the U.S. Coast Guard said there had been at least eight such “groundings.” Some barges touch the bottom but don’t get stuck. Others need salvage companies to help them out. Barges are cautioned to lighten their loads to prevent them from sinking too deep in the water, but that means they can carry fewer goods.

To ensure that vessels can travel safely, federal officials regularly meet, consider the depth of the river and talk to the shipping industry to determine local closures and traffic restrictio­ns. When a stretch is temporaril­y closed, hundreds of barges may line up to wait.

“It’s very dynamic: Things are changing constantly,” said Eric Carrero, the Coast

Guard’s director of western rivers and waterways. “Every day, when we are doing our surveys, we’re finding areas that are shallow and they need to dredge.”

After a closed-down section is dredged, officials mark a safe channel and barges can once again pass through.

In some places, storage at barge terminals is filling up, preventing more goods from coming in, according to Mike Steenhoek, executive director of the Soy Transporta­tion Coalition. He said the influx of grain into a compromise­d river transporta­tion system is like “attaching a garden hose to a fire hydrant.” High costs for farmers have led some to wait to ship their goods, he added.

For tourists, much of the river is still accessible. Cruise ships are built to withstand the river’s extremes: Big engines fight fast currents in the spring and shallow drafts keep the boats moving in a drought, said Charles Robertson, president and CEO of American Cruise Lines, which operates five cruise ships that can carry 150 to 190 passengers each. Nighttime operations are limited, however, to help ships avoid new obstacles that the drought has exposed.

 ?? STEPHEN SMITH/AP ?? A Carrollton gauge shows abnormally low water levels along the Mississipp­i River on Thursday in New Orleans. Water levels along the entire stretch of the river have dropped to near-record lows, disrupting ship and barge traffic that is critical for moving recently harvested agricultur­al goods such as soybeans and corn downriver for export.
STEPHEN SMITH/AP A Carrollton gauge shows abnormally low water levels along the Mississipp­i River on Thursday in New Orleans. Water levels along the entire stretch of the river have dropped to near-record lows, disrupting ship and barge traffic that is critical for moving recently harvested agricultur­al goods such as soybeans and corn downriver for export.

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