Detroit Free Press

Adult Diaper Companies Fear Release Of New $1 Pill For Bladder Control

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fter years of painstakin­g Aresearch, scientists have announced a bladder health discovery so radical it could end America’s bladder leakage epidemic by 2029.

“This is a real game changer!” says Dr. Jennifer Sage. Some say, the newly released pill called BladderMax is going to threaten the adult diaper industry.

But just think about the millions of lives that will be saved from the embarrassm­ent that comes from bladder control problems!

News of this remarkable pill called is creating a virtual company that developed it. One doctor says: This is the “holy grail for people with bladder problems!”

So Exactly Why Is Bladdermax Wowing

Even though this pill is extremely effective, it contains no drugs whatsoever.

BladderMax’s active ingredient comes from a natural edible plant source. It’s safe, as well as easy to use.

BladderMax prevents bladder leakages so impressive­ly, that it has caught the action of scientists and bladder health experts all over the globe. It works like nothing else seen before. Simply take as directed. You can almost feel your bladder getting stronger. It’s just that effective!

“Experts predict, the data is so compelling… “Adult diapers may be unnecessar­y. Padded underwear could be obsolete within 5-years.”

“There just won’t be a need for them anymore,” he added.

The real power of BladderMax lies deep inside it’s active ingredient. It contains a compound called phytostero­ls that prevents bladder leakages similar to (commonly known as “kegels”) do.

Jennifer Sage, a leading doctor says: “With BladderMax it doesn’t take much to relieve your frequency. You just don’t have to go as much anymore.” The compound absolutely kills uncontroll­able urges in just weeks after taking it. You’ll swear your bladder has grown in size and strength.

The secret is its ability to inhibit 5-alpha-reductase (the enzyme that causes bladder overactivi­ty). BladderMax’s active ingredient helps calm and bladder doesn’t have the constant need to empty. Then, it strengthen­s bladder tissue to help the bladder contract and and control.


Kegels In A Bottle

Think about it. A pill that calms that “gotta go feeling”, as it rebuilds and tones bladder muscle. Incredibly, the leakages just disappear.

If you leak when you laugh, No More “Stress-Leaks” cough, jump or do other physical activity, you’ll never worry about stress-leakages again. BladderMax stops urine from leaking during times of stress.

It’s pure magic. You’ll feel great, you’ll sleep great, and look great. And even be able to wear your favorite clothes without worrying about wetting through again!

The clinical trial results on BladderMax’s active ingredient have sent shockwaves throughout the medical comworks to produce results scientists never thought were possible.

For example, doctors tested the active ingredient on patients who suffered with overactive bladder symptoms for years. The results showed users saw a huge reduction in sudden urges to go and embarrassi­ng leakages in just 4 weeks. Plus, they had less nighttime trips to the bathroom.

In this same study, scientists had bladder sufferers take note of daily use of adult diapers, padded underwear or panty liners. The scientists then gave half the patients the active ingredient in BladderMax, with another group taking a placebo.

The result? The group taking BladderMax’s active inreductio­n in daily protection use, while the placebo group saw an increase.

That means, the active ingredient in BladderMax not only reduces trips to the bathroom, but also reduces the need for bulky adult diapers, which is amazing.

Clinical Studies

Don’t Lie!

What’s more, BladderMax and it’s produced in state-ofthe-art FDA registered lab facilities. It’s 100% safe, natural and won’t interfere with your regular medication­s. So you can control your bladder with con

“My bladder problems are 80% better than they were just weeks ago. It seems to be improving daily. I now use minimum protection. It really does work,” says Denise G., of Maineville, Ohio.

“I have patients who wake up 4 or more times in the night to pee. After just days of taking BladderMax they report only having to get up once or twice at most. That’s why I’m now recommendi­ng my patients take BladderMax,” said Dr. Jennifer Sage.

“BladderMax’s active ingredient reduces the need for adult diapers and padded underwear. It’s shown in clinical trials to improve sleep satisfacti­on and quality of life. Many top doctors, myself included, consider BladderMax the greatest bladder control breakthrou­gh in the last decade,” she added.

Special arrangemen­ts have been made with the manufactur­er to supply local readers with a special discount supply of BladderMax.

Starting at 7:00 AM today, the order hotline will be open for 48 hours. All you have to do is call

. The company TOLL-FREE will do the rest. 1-800-609-7156

Due to BladderMax’s recent media exposure,

Important: phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back. Those who miss the 48 hours deadline may be forced to pay full price for BladderMax.

100% Safe

Ecstatic Users

Impressed Doctors Local Readers Get Special Discount

 ?? ?? As new pill gains popularity, scenes like this will become rare and unusual.
As new pill gains popularity, scenes like this will become rare and unusual.

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