Ducks 101

— Hobby Farms Editors


Ducks often take a backseat to the more popular chickens available to today’s hobby farmer, but they have a lot going for them and shouldn’t be discounted. Their eggs and meat are delicious and prized in some parts of the world, and they are just as easy to care for with the right setup.

If you’re interested in keeping ducks as a food source, or just plan on having a few of these beautiful birds as pets, this magazine is a great place to start. The first step is to select what breeds interest you. Read about the most popular (page 20) to the unusual (page 28) and select the one right for your needs.

Once you have made your choice, make sure you start off on the right webbed foot by learning all you can about duck care. Housing is essential and it can be something you create yourself or a prefabrica­ted coop. Find out about setting up appropriat­e feeders, waterers, the right decor and a pond on page 42. Protection from predators is always a primary concern when keeping feathered charges. They come in all shapes and sizes, and it behooves you to be ready. Read all about predator identifica­tion and protection on page 82.

As with all livestock, the phrase “you are what you eat” applies. Feeding your flock the right nutrition is essential to your success as a keeper and their continued health. Start on page 68 and learn about health concerns and how to prevent some of the major duck ailments. Then move to page 88 to read about the dietary needs of your birds.

As you progress in your duck knowledge, you might decide to hatch some of your own and grow the size of your flock. Start on page 36, and learn from an experience­d keeper.

Whatever your focus — marketing eggs and meat or just enjoying your new pets — you will find everything you need within these pages to help your new venture take flight. Enjoy!

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