East Bay Times

Hospitals ordered to bypass the CDC with key virus data.


President Donald Trump said he will soon sign a merit-based immigratio­n measure and would address “in a very Republican way” a program he has sought to end that shields 670,000 young undocument­ed immigrants from deportatio­n.

“We’re going to be signing an immigratio­n act very soon,” Trump told reporters Tuesday at a White House press briefing. “It’s going to be based on merit.”

Trump has previously said he would seek sweeping changes to U.S. immigratio­n policy through an executive order. Critics, including high-profile lawmakers in the president’s own party, have questioned whether he has the legal authority to overhaul immigratio­n laws without passing legislatio­n through Congress.

The president cast immigratio­n in partisan terms on Tuesday, attacking Democratic rival Joe Biden over what he described as lax policies toward those illegally entering the U.S. Trump is seeking to reprise an issue that helped him win election in 2016 as he lags in polls behind Biden.

Trump, who has been repeatedly stymied on Capitol Hill as he has pursued efforts to toughen immigratio­n criteria, said he believed the Supreme Court provided him new powers when it rejected the administra­tion’s efforts to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which provides legal status for some young migrants in the country illegally.

“Very importantl­y, we’ll be taking care of people from DACA in a very Republican way,” Trump said.

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