East Bay Times

Social media use is optional

- BiMM BaNNERM Judith Martin Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanner­s.com.

DEAR MISS MANNERS >> Please provide a polite, subject-closing way to let people know I have no intention of joining the world of social media. People become quite angry when I say this, presumably because they think I am judging them for wasting time. I am a teacher, and my profession depends on discretion and moral behavior: two items not readily in evidence on social media.

GENTLE READER >> Asa teacher, you no doubt recognize that Liam has to attend class, study and pass the exam before he can forget everything you tried to teach him. Etiquette is equally reluctant to skip to the final bell by providing an opening response that closes the subject.

Several answers, none final, as to why you do not participat­e in social media include: “I just don’t have the time,” “I’m not particular­ly interested” and “I don’t really enjoy it.”

If you repeat these often enough, without elaboratin­g, you will wear down your inquisitor. And you will avoid the consequenc­es of telling someone that you consider the thing they cherish most to be indiscreet — and worse.

DEAR MISS MANNERS >> The science on wearing masks seems inconclusi­ve, leading to near-religious zealotry on both sides. In public, there is no way to avoid taking a side. Governors, mayors, news anchors and doctors appear on TV hectoring the public to wear masks, while not wearing them themselves.

I can see why people dismiss such guidance and feel the need to take the matter into their own hands. Individual­s who would ordinarily mind their own business now feel empowered to demand others accommodat­e their views.

What is a person to do when confronted in public by busybodies who disagree with their choice?

GENTLE READER >> It was to avoid such problems that quarantine­s used to be (and still have been) given the force of law. When they come in the form of guidance, the best defense for an individual is still citing authority, as in, “I’m doing it because the CDC says it will protect your health.”

Miss Manners cautions against trying to reason with those who prefer the medical advice of politician­s and news anchors to that of doctors. The only conflict remaining, then, is with those who are against social distancing — so removing oneself from their vicinity serves a double purpose.

DEAR MISS MANNERS >> Would it be bad etiquette to publicly shame a father who is trying to back out of paying child support? I know people have different reasons, but this person has a trust fund that could cover payments in harder times. Should we bring back some form of public shaming, or do we have to relegate that to the “good old days” and let deadbeat dads just go along their way?

GENTLE READER >> The facts around divorces are not always so transparen­t to third parties. If you are not sure, avoiding his company yourself is less risky than challengin­g him about it at a cocktail party.

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