East Bay Times

What a Joe Biden presidency means for future of tech


President- elect Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on can’t come too soon for the tech industry.

Silicon Valley never had a seat at the Trump table. Nor did it really want one. From Day One there was a philosophi­cal divide that transcende­d politics. President Donald Trump spent the last four years trying to “Make America Great Again.” The tech industry thrives by looking forward. Looking backward seldom leads to the kind of innovation that transforms America, which helps explain why the United States failed to make much progress in the last four years.

Tech issues aren’t likely to be at the top of Biden’s agenda on Jan. 20. But tech needs a seat at the Biden table to navigate what have been increasing­ly thorny issues for the industry: net neutrality, privacy, antitrust challenges, broadband access, science and technology investment, and H-1B visas.

The first item on Biden’s tech agenda should be to send Federal Communicat­ions Commission Chair Ajit Pai packing and replace him with someone who will restore net neutrality, preserving equal access to the internet for users. Bay Area Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Santa Clara, is right when he says Congress should pass legislatio­n guaranteei­ng net neutrality. That may be a heavy lift if, as expected, Republican­s retain control of the Senate. But the ping-ponging of the issue depending on who sits in the White House needs to end.

A long-term solution on privacy may be an easier task. The United States remains the only Western nation without fundamenta­l online privacy protection­s. Republican­s and Democrats have both voiced support for Congress to establish some kind of privacy protection­s. Polls show the American people support greater protection­s of their data. The tech industry should jump on board. The last thing it needs is the challenge of trying to comply with 50 different state laws, which is a likely scenario if Congress fails to act.

Biden may drop the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Google, but he’s unlikely to block investigat­ions into whether Big Tech is violating antitrust laws. The tech industry should keep a close watch on who Biden is considerin­g for the attorney general job. For example, Sen. Amy Klobuchar is considered a front-runner for the AG post, and she is on record saying breaking up Big Tech should be “on the table.”

The president-elect would receive strong support from the tech industry if he pushes for the United States to make a bigger investment in science and technology research and developmen­t. He should also gain bipartisan support for an infrastruc­ture package that would include expanding broadband access throughout the nation. The COVID-19 pandemic makes clear how important it is for Americans to have universal internet access.

Tech should also encourage the president to follow through on rescinding Trump’s nonsensica­l policy on H-1B visas. In 2019, about 65% of H-1B visa holders in the United States worked in techrelate­d jobs. More needs to be done to stop the industry’s abuse of the system, but our economy greatly benefits when we encourage the world’s most innovative minds to come here and utilize their entreprene­urial skills.

It’s time for America to begin looking forward again. That can best be accomplish­ed by tackling the tech industry’s biggest problems and taking steps to encourage innovation.

 ?? CAROLYN KASTER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Presidente­lect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 10.
CAROLYN KASTER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Presidente­lect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Del., on Nov. 10.

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