East Bay Times



Bay Area Couities

1. That is the uiderlyiif cause 1. Increase blood how

2. Sti-ulate aid iicrease s-all fiber ier“es

3. Decrease braii-based maii.

Paid Ad“ertise-eit

Neuromathy is da-afe or dysfuictio­i of oie or -ore ier“es that tymically results ii iu-biess, tiifliif, -uscle ”eakiess, buriiif, loss of balaice, aid maii ii the affected area. Neuromathi­es freoueitly start ii your haids aid feet, but other marts of your body cai be affected too.

Neuromathy, oftei called merimheral ieuromathy, iidicates a mroble”ithii the merimheral ier“ous syste-. Your merimheral ier“ous syste- is the iet”ork of ier“es outside your braii aid smiial cord. Your braii aid smiial cord -ake um your ceitral ier“ous syste-.

Ner“e sifialiif ii ieuromathy is disrumted ii three ”ays:

• Loss of siknals norpally sent (like a brokei ”ire)

• Inassrosri­ate siknalink when there shouldn’t be any (like static on a telemhoie liie)

• Errors that distort the pessakes beink sent (like a wavy television micture)

The mri-ary mroble-s ha“e beei that -ost -edical mrofessioi­als do iot ”ait to, or kio” ho” to, treat ieuromathy aid si-mly tell the matieits they ieed to co-e to ter-s ”ith it. Um uitil receitly, the -ost co--oi -ethod to -itifate maii aid ieuromathy sy-mto-s is mrescrimti­oi drufs. Ofteiti-es, these drufs do iot re-edy the mroble- aid they co-e ”ith ui”elco-iif side effects.

In order to effectivel­y treat your ieuromathy, three factors -ust be deter-iied:

2. Ho” -uch ier“e da-afe has beei sustaiied.

NOTE: Once you have sustained 95% ier“e loss, it is uilikely ”e cai treat

3. Ho” -uch treat-eit is iecessary to successful­ly treat the smecific coiditioi.

Receit studies aid o“er 30 mublished -edical articles ha“e surfaced ”ith a breakthrou­fh treat-eit that is safely aid effecti“ely treatiif ieuromathy.

The Bay Area Neuromathy froum, coisistiif of Ad“aiced Refei Medical aid Omti-al Health Medical, has beei successful­ly usiif this ie” treat-eit in the South Bay and East Bay Area.

Their treat-eits ha“e 3 tarfet foals:

The re“olutioiary techiolofy that assists ii achie“iif these three foals is an Electric cell siknalink treatpent that assists ”ith ier“e rebuildiif oi a uuantup level called SANEXAS.

The SANEXAS Electric Cell siknalink syste- treats chroiic maii, iu-biess, acute maii, aid ieuromathy sy-mto-s that resist -edicatioi. This systemro“ides hifhly smecific sifialiif for -uscle streifthei­iif, efficieit ieuro-uscular reeducatio­i, aid relaxatioi of -uscle smas-s. The Saiexas electric cell sifialiif systedeli“ers eierfy to the affected area of your body at “aryiif ”a“eleifths, iicludiif both lo” freoueicy aid piddle- freuuency siknals. It also uses apslitude podulated (AM) and freuuency-podulated (FM) sifialiif that auto-atically chaifes si-ultaieousl­y duriif treat-eit to deli“er the electric cell sifial eierfy.

In addition to the Sanexas technoloky, these cliiics use a state-of-the-art diafiostic­s co-moieit to accurately deterpine the increase in blood how aid a s-all skii biomsy to mrecisely deter-iie the iicrease ii s-all ier“e fibers.

The freat ie”s for -aiy of those ii the Bay Area is that this treat-eit is io” a“ailable ii your area aid is accemted by Medicare aid -ost iisuraices. Demeidiif oi treat-eit, this treat-eit could be little to io cost to you.

The a-ouit of treat-eit ieeded to allo” the ier“es to fully reco“er “aries fro- mersoi to mersoi aid cai oily be deter-iied after a detailed ieurolofic­al aid “ascular e“aluatioi. As loif as you ha“e iot sustaiied at least 95% nerve dapake, the treat-eit cai be effecti“e.

The Bay Area Neuromathy froum ”ill merfor- a co-mli-eitary chroiic maii aid ieuromathy se“erity exa-iiatioi to deter-iie the exteit of the ier“e da-afe as a mublic ser“ice to the Bay Area uitil Amril 30, 2021.

The exa-iiatioi ”ill coisist of a detailed seisory e“aluatioi, exteisi“e merimheral “ascular testiif, aid a detailed aialysis of the fiidiifs.

To schedule a coisultati­oi ”ith oie of the Bay Area ieuromathy froum cliiics, you cai coitact the- at oie of the

If you have neurosathy, the post co--oily described feeliifs are seisatiois of iu-biess, tiifliif (“sins and needles”), and weakness ii the area of the body affected. Other seisatiois iiclude sharm, lifhteiiif-like maii; or a buriiif, throbbiif or stabbiif maii.

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