East Bay Times

Carpool DIEM!

Transporta­tion commission­er says we need to seize opportunit­ies now to keep traffic nightmare from returning

- Ly hthan Laron ebaron@bayareanew­sgroup.com

One of the rare silver linings of the coronaviru­s outbreak was the disappeara­nce of Bay Area traffic. But as people start returning to workplaces, congestion is coming back, too. Opportunit­ies must be seized to keep vehicle volumes from becoming nightmaris­h again, says Nick Josefowitz, chief policy officer at Bay Area public-policy nonprofit SPUR. Josefowitz, who’s also a Metropolit­an Transporta­tion Commission commission­er and former BART director, believes residents, local government­s and companies all have roles in creating a future that doesn’t involve millions of people spending hours in cars every day, pumping out pollution and helping roast the planet.

While traffic angst has typically focused on commutes, they make up less than a third of the trips people make, with 70% of our journeys for purposes like taking kids to school, getting groceries and visiting the dentist, Josefowitz says. Solutions must address the range of transporta­tion needs, he says.

Buses and high-occupancy vehicles must be given priority on roads, he says. Transit fares and bridge and express lane tolls must be based on ability to pay. More housing must go up near jobs, with more “complete communitie­s” built where daily needs can be met with a 15-minute walk or bike or bus trip, he says. “We also have to reduce the amount we drive on a regular basis,” Josefowitz says. “You’ve got to make it easer to take transit, to walk, to bike. And then you’ve got to start pushing back against some of the incentives that we provide for people to drive alone.”

This news organizati­on met with Josefowitz on a video call to hear about a future that could save us from the soulcrushi­ng traffic of the past. His comments have been edited for length and clarity.


What are the obstacles to reducing congestion?


We set up our governance system in the Bay Area to really privilege the status quo. The most glaring example is how difficult it is to build housing in our most walkable neighborho­ods near transit. You often have to overcome the combinatio­n of years of process, expensive lawsuits (and) disproport­ionate fees. It’s really easy to do nothing and let things get worse. We need to radically streamline the processes for making these transporta­tion improvemen­ts. BART to Silicon Valley was kicked

off in the ’80s — it’s going to take 50 years from when it was starting to be planned. We need to do so much better at delivering transporta­tion improvemen­ts quickly and in a way that isn’t watered down.


How much responsibi­lity do the big Silicon Valley technology companies with huge workforces have to deal with roadway congestion?


What we need to move toward is a regional system where all larger employers take more responsibi­lity for getting their workers to work and back home in a way that minimizes their impact on the mobility of others, and do it in a way that minimizes their impact on our climate and on our air quality.

You’ve got to provide your employees with transporta­tion or discounted transit … have programs in place for your workers to carpool or vanpool … (provide) them with support to walk or bike to work. This is all wrapped up with you as an employer working closely with the local government­s and transit agencies in the region to collective­ly invest in transit services and transitpri­ority lanes and sidewalks and walking.


What technologi­es hold promise for the future of getting around in the Bay Area?


There’s a huge amount of growth for bicycles and electric bicycles. Electric bicycles in particular make biking acceptable to a much much broader range of the population. A lot of people who get onto electric bikes for the first time are amazed at how much quicker it is to get around their communitie­s than before, and how many more destinatio­ns become accessible. Not only can we create infrastruc­ture that makes it safe to bike, we also need to think about should we be incentiviz­ing people to purchase electric bicycles in the same way that we incentiviz­e people to purchase electric cars. We also need to do outreach to help people learn how to bike.


What have you learned about Bay Area traffic during the pandemic and associated lockdowns?


We’ve had a dramatic decrease in mobility during the pandemic because transit service has been cut dramatical­ly and people don’t feel safe on transit. It’s made destinatio­ns less accessible. You already see traffic on the Bay Bridge back above what it was.

The pandemic is forcing us as budgets get tighter to think a little bit differentl­y. Building our way out of this problem with really expensive projects no longer seems like a feasible option. We can make so much progress with hundreds of distribute­d projects. We can act and should act a lot quicker than we have, especially for smaller interventi­ons, like bike lanes, or bus lanes, or slow streets. We need to deploy the infrastruc­ture fast and then work with the community to assess its success and be open to changing course.


How is parking policy important to traffic reduction?


It’s incredibly important. Just a few weeks ago there was a new report that came out that shows that if you live in a building with less parking you’re going to drive less but your access to jobs doesn’t go down. It … shows the direct causal link between over-providing free parking and the incentive that provides for people to drive.


What opportunit­ies need to be seized now to ensure traffic reduction in the future?


Before the pandemic, we were in a situation where it was getting more and more difficult to get around the Bay Area every year. Congestion was up. Transit ridership was down. We were seeing increasing traffic fatalities, primarily focused on pedestrian­s and bicyclists. On top of all that … the greenhouse gas emissions for transporta­tion were going up.

The pandemic has allowed us to think differentl­y about what’s possible, and not … be stuck in the old ways of doing things which have failed us for decades and to think about a new way of doing things. We can meet our goals of increasing mobility and improving equity and fighting climate change all at the same time by making it a lot safer and quicker for people to walk to their daily needs or bike.

 ?? PHOTOS BY KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Nick Josefo2itz, c commission­er 2ith the Metropolit­cn Trcnsportc­tion Commission, 3isits the Ycn Ness Bus Rcpid Trcnsit project in Scn Frcncisco on Mcrch 10. “Ae need to do so much better ct deli3ering trcnsportc­tion impro3emen­ts quickly,” Josefo2itz scys.
PHOTOS BY KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER Nick Josefo2itz, c commission­er 2ith the Metropolit­cn Trcnsportc­tion Commission, 3isits the Ycn Ness Bus Rcpid Trcnsit project in Scn Frcncisco on Mcrch 10. “Ae need to do so much better ct deli3ering trcnsportc­tion impro3emen­ts quickly,” Josefo2itz scys.
 ??  ?? The Ycn Ness Bus Rcpid Trcnsit project includes bus-only lcnes, rcpid bus ser3ice cnd scfety impro3emen­ts on Ycn Ness A3enue in Scn Frcncisco.
The Ycn Ness Bus Rcpid Trcnsit project includes bus-only lcnes, rcpid bus ser3ice cnd scfety impro3emen­ts on Ycn Ness A3enue in Scn Frcncisco.
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