East Bay Times

Student dreads summer at home

- Harriette Cole Harriette Cole is founder of DreamLeape­rs, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. Send questions to askharriet­te@ harriettec­ole.com or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.


The idea of coming home for the summer gives me terrible anxiety. I promised my parents that I would come home for two months this summer starting at the end of May. I've finally bought my ticket, but I'm getting increasing­ly nervous about it.

My parents and I tend to bicker about small things when I'm home. The dynamic is much different than it used to be, and I don't think that we know how to be around each other for that long anymore. The thought of running into people that I went to high school with also makes me nervous.

How do I stop feeling so anxious about returning home?

— Summer Visit

Decide in advance that you are going to have a positive visit all the way around. Make a pact with


yourself that you will stand in your own power as a young adult who does not have to fall into unproducti­ve patterns just because you are at home. Design a schedule for yourself that allows you to have alone time every day so that you can settle yourself as needed.

When you are in your parents' company, don't take the bait. When they start to bicker, keep your mouth shut. Don't react to them. Choose to talk about positive things with them and do more listening than talking. You can even tell them that you want to have a pleasant visit, so you have no intention of arguing with them.

When you see people you know from high school, you can say hello and move on, but also prepare a few things to share about your college life that you don't mind everybody knowing. Share those tidbits and keep it moving.

DEAR HARRIETTE >> I'm stuck in a frustratin­g cycle of working all week and not having enough energy to enjoy myself by the time the weekend comes around.

I understand the importance of rest, but I feel that I am resting too much and wasting all of my precious weekend time at home and in bed. I want to have the energy to go places, explore, spend time with my friends and family, and do everything else I can't do during the week.

How do I get my energy back for the weekend?

— Wasting Weekends


To the best of your ability, alter your weekday routine a bit. Can you add in some form of exercise on a regular basis? That can help you build energy for each day. Pay attention to what you eat, choosing foods that will fuel your body in a healthy manner. Especially on high-energy days, go to bed at a reasonable hour. Turn off the TV and electronic­s to create a space of peace at home. If you do all of that, you may have more energy when you get to the weekend.

You can create a weekend schedule too. It's fine to sleep late, just not all day. Set an alarm for when you want to wake up. Eat healthy and exercise. Taking care of your body will help restore your energy. Also be mindful of the people you engage with and what you talk about. When you choose positive thoughts and interactio­ns, that gives you energy too.

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