East Greenwich Pendulum


Q&A with David Jones from Bio-tech Pest Control



Why do Bats come back to the same place each year?


Their instinct tells them to go somewhere safe and where there’s a lot of food. So, if they have bee happy somewhere they are likely to return there.


I read about one type of cicadas that lives one type 13-year cycle and the other a 17-year cycle both will emerge at the same time, from a rare event that last occurred in 1803. I guess it is going to be noisy?


Yes that’s right. Remember we also get regular Cicadas the ‘hatch’ every year. Stock up on ear plugs this year.


What is a life cycle of a clothes moth they disappear during the winter and back in Spring?

Larva is the stage that cause the damage by eating woolen clothes. The Larva then pupate to cocoons which turn into Moths and the cycle starts all over again.


We had a mouse just sitting on the doorstep my husband took care of it. Why was it so easy to catch as they usually run away?


There are so many around now due to mild winters that they are forced to take risk looking for food. We come across them regularly like this. But they could also be sick and unsure of where they are.


How many rats do you get in one nest at a time and do you do you get other nests in the house at the same time?


There could be 2-10+ but the supply of food will be the determinin­g factor. They, like all others are territoria­l and live as a single family.


I have no buds on my magnolia tree this year?


Someone must have pruned it incorrectl­y last year. Keep people with hedge trimmers away from your flowering shrubs.


When does the ground heat up for adding new grass seed?


The ground temperatur­e has already reached around 42 degrees F. It needs to be above 45 Degrees F to enable seeds to germinate.

Question: We have a bird’s nest in the roof of our garage, is it o.k. to take it down?


NO! Migrating birds, their nest, eggs, and younger protected. There are huge fines associated with interferin­g with birds. We have lost 3.5 billion birds in the USA since 1945 due mainly to industrial use of chemicals.


I get a skunk each year going under the deck, can it be tracked and taken off to the woods?


Legally, no. If it is trapped it must be killed. Why not just use safe repellents to move it on. It may also have a family.

Question: Is contractor­s’ seed good for adding to my new lawn?


I don’t think so. It serves as just a cheap cover crop and usually dies as soon as we get some heat or drought. Always invest in a top quality seed like URI 1 or 2


Can I water the grass when the sun is on it to cool it down, just don’t want bare spots this year?


You will probably just burn the grass. It’s usually best to water early or late in the day. Always soak with an ice of water maybe twice per week.

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