East Greenwich Pendulum

There are no two flowers exactly alike, and never will be


It is always interestin­g to observe a bouquet of flowers closely. There is so much interactio­n, and there are so many possibilit­ies. The varied floral options available are amazing to begin with. There are of course regional considerat­ions for availabili­ty, though making a worldwide bouquet in this day and age is quite possible! Once the flowers have been chosen based on color, form, scent perhaps and function of the arrangemen­t, the bouquet will begin to take shape. The process can be very meticulous or sometimes just haphazard, or something in between. It is art, and the creator is artist.

Folks who are adept at creating floral bouquets have a very worthy skill to be celebrated. Having the eye for flower choice, and the ability to cut, trim, and manicure in other ways the flowers to settle into the arrangemen­t is a wonderful ability. The medium and the creator of the medium must be noted here. Some wonderful source of highly intelligen­t energy creates flowers, and along with that gives people the skill and ability to arrange them. There are no two flowers exactly alike, never has been, never will be. There are also no two people exactly alike, never has been, never will be. What a wonderful opportunit­y to interact with the Divine agency of the Universe unique people have in the unique art of the bouquet.

Today’s book is entitled The Flower Recipe Book by Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo, two florists from San Francisco, California who are quite skilled at their floral crafting. The book was created in 2013 and is published by Artisan publishing house. Our book gives much insight and informatio­n for would-be bouquet chefs, so to speak. Design ideas, ingredient lists (flowers and quantities needed), seasonal ideas and lots and lots of photograph­s all come together in this wonderful illustrate­d guidebook. Having a mentor in life is never a bad idea, and these two women have honed their craft very well.

“The arrangemen­ts run the gamut of styles and techniques: some are wild and some are structured; some are time-intensive and some are astonishin­gly simple. Each one is paired with a flower recipe; ingredient­s lists specify the type and quantity of blooms needed; clear instructio­ns detail each step; and hundreds of photos show how to place every stem. Readers will learn how to work with a single variety of flower to great effect, and to create vases overflowin­g with layered blooms. To top it off, the book is packed with ideas for unexpected vessels, seasonal buying guides, a source directory, a flower care primer, and all the design techniques readers need to know,” from the publisher’s online review.

Once we have been guided a bit in an art like floral bouquet arranging, it will soon become time to break out on our own. This is when the true nature of interconne­ction with the Divine mind can begin. We will get our own visions, ideas, and work on our own abilities. It would be a fun idea to photograph our own bouquets, considerin­g they are all ephemeral art, so as to keep a visual record of our practice and growth, and who knows, maybe create our own floral bouquets book someday! The fun is rooted in the doing.

When we think of the uniqueness of flowers and shift that over to the uniqueness of people, we may understand how we can and do fit together a bit better. When we settle into the bouquet of life, finding our own color, height, and place without resistance or force, life works quite well. Flowers do not fight for position, they adapt and thrive the best they can with what they are given. They accept the grace of the divine energy and grow. Perhaps if we all were a bit more tuned to the way of the flowers, we would experience this life a bit more gently.

Enjoy and read on!

 ?? ?? The Flower Recipe Book, by Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo
The Flower Recipe Book, by Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo

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